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Birthday Gift from God

This is a fun silk story about a pair of large bendie wings (5mm aka โ€œlightโ€ weight silk) called Trustworthy that I had set aside to giveaway. I had a whole giveaway planned and had even done the video announcement for it. Then one night as I’m scrolling through Facebook, several videos showed up in my feed of a woman worshiping. I didn’t know her, she’d shared them in a group we’re both part of, but I clearly heard God say “Give them to her.” 

Surprised, but fine with His direction (not that it matters whether I’m fine with it or not, I just mean it was easy to follow through because I’d already planned to give them away anyhow), I contacted her for a shipping address. She was so blessed! And it turned out the next day was a her birthday ๐Ÿ™‚ Gotta love those kisses from heaven!

Here was her response when she received the wings and below are a couple videos I shot before sending them. ๐Ÿ™‚

Daddy God is so good! His timing is so precious and beautiful! I was contacted by Dyed4you after I shared some videos of my flag dancing. She said the Lord pressed upon her heart to gift me a pair of wing flags! My heart leapt for joy! My birthday was yesterday and these flags are literally the perfect gift! Not only are they gorgeous but theyโ€™re exactly the color the Lord revealed to me in my vision of emerging from the cocoon and spreading my wings as a butterfly! I lost my breath when I felt the anointing of these flags. Thank you so very much for this blessing! I will use them often!! I promise to post a video soon! ๐Ÿ˜Šโค๏ธ๐Ÿ™ โ€” feeling blessed.

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