These beautiful streamer veils are 5mm china silks (which can be removed from the streamer and worn or danced with). The M is a 35×84 size, L is 35×108, and LR is the 5mm 45×104 semicircle. They move similarly to voi but without the danger of a swinging weight and with more control of motion (See a video tutorial about how-to use streamers and streamer veils). They work well in pairs and create a beautiful, full visual feast when in motion!
Streamer veils do come with a streamer rod; however, since the silks are attached simply by tying a corner onto the ring attached to the rod, you can switch out your silk with any of your other 5mm weight silks.
Please note: as with all flagging items, this should be used with care. Dyed4you is not responsible in the event of an accident while using a streamer or it’s rod. Use at your own risk.
Streamer Veils
NOTE: Part of what makes Dyed4you unique is the fact that it is not about what you want, it is about what the Father wants you to have. If you have not visited our “How-To Order” post, please do so before giving details in your order. As always, if you have questions please ask!
Wanna see more streamers in action? Visit our streamer veil tag on the Dyed4you Blog
Below you’ll find a video of a pair of L streamer veils in action (I intentionally left in the moment where I tangled one because it’s a realistic moment when you’re getting used to these). To see the 3 sizes compared, you can watch our video on the Introducing Streamer Veils post.