Some of you heard my hubby’s thoughts on the beginning of Dyed4you back in July. Regularly, I get asked how I got into this and it’s a story I love to tell, so I finally made a video so you all can hear the story!
In the video I make reference to where I created the first silks, so I thought I’d upload a picture for you to see!
I’d have plastic laid out on the linoleum floor where the carpet is in the entry way and sit on the white carpeting in the step down area (which is my prayer closet aka living room) that you see all my demo videos done in.
Actually, when I shoot the videos for you usually the camera is sitting on the top of the cabinet you see protruding on the left side. What looks white there is actually the reflection of the bags your silks typically get packaged in!
Anyhow, hopefully you enjoy the story and hopefully those of you who I did a shout out to don’t mind 😉
FYI I meant what I said… I love you all in the Dyed4you Community! Thank you for being such a blessing 🙂
And just so you can see it, the streamer below is the one that prompted Dyed4you’s creation! It’s called Oceans of Mercy and is from Son Dance Ministry. 🙂
And if you are interested, you can read more about what first started my love of silk on my personal blog: My Love of Silk (The Power of Words & Actions)
Update 5/18/17
Father had me contact Suzanne from Son Dance Ministry to share with her all God has done through this ministry which was inspired from her ministry. She was so blessed! And God’s timing in having me connect with her was perfect. He is so good!!! I also got my own Oceans of Mercy silks – not a streamer though – I got her half circle flags (which are like small wings).
Thanks for sharing…I always wonder how this came about…very interesting…GOD is Good!
Wow! THANK YOU for your DELIGHTFUL (love that word…And the LORD is recreating the Garden of DeLIGHT in my life, praise Him!) history of the start of Dyed4You! I LOVE the way the LORD works, and I understand about how the LORD leads us to those who walk with Him intimately–and stretches us! GLORY!! I love your candor, and I thank you for your humility and obedience–and I have really enjoyed–and been moved by–your videos demonstrating your various objet d’arts!
I’m thankful that I’ll soon be able to acquire one of those beautiful wings. The LORD has given me visions for putting on musical dramas with youth; teaching them to worship the LIVING GOD with all their hearts, with total abandon, with great grace and praise and glory……HALLELUJAH!!!!
And I, too, love to dance to Him in my living room! I don’t have white carpet, but He cares about details and helps us in our efforts, so CONGRATS on the angelic protection for the white on your carpet to STAY white, LOL!!!
Also, when I heard you say you were in St. Louis, I said out loud, “I want to go visit her!” And I’d like to bring my just-turned-15-year-old daughter, Victoria Dawn (for “Victorious New Day in Jesus”!) who is a left-handed darling, quite gifted in art and music. I’m sure she would be inspired! We would love to take you to lunch and talk about God (this will be a REAL “POWER” lunch, LOL! And THAT last idea just occurred as I was typing to you!
(Obviously, I DID get the video to work this time. Praise the LORD! Keep DYEING (to self! 🙂 ) as you LIVE the ZOE LIFE, amen!! DIOS LA BENDIGA!!! GLORIA DIOS!
Hey! love the history video!!! but i have an addition!!
i remember saying over and over, ” i don’t know what it is, but it is really BIG!”
do you remember that?!
and looky how BIG it really is!!! international and multifacted. an OMG!!!
love you much,
Excellent testimony and I love to hear you laugh Meghan. 🙂 You truly did not despise the day of small beginning and wow, what the Lord has done with you. You are blessing to me and I’ve learned so much from interacting with you and the Dyed4you community. Love you Meghan and the community. Thank you for creating a living, flourishing environment for us all to interact.
@ Donna – I do!!!! I can’t believe I forgot that part! Thank you for reminding me 🙂
Meghan what a neat testimony about Dyed4You. It just so blessed me. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I love your scarves they are the best I have seen. Blessings to you. Vickie
I love you !!! You are so sweet and fun oh my would we have fun together !!! Praise God for your ministry and what HE has done !! Greater things are yet to come !!
Thanks for sharing your story. Don’t know that I heard all those facts when I first met you. I LOVE to see the new things He is teaching you and your scarves just keep getting prettier and prettier. 😀
You make it sound so easy but I know that obedience and stepping out can be so scary. I can just see you when you were outside your church and Donna was asking if you “felt it.” I loved that part as it hit home for me, been there done that as a new believer. Meghan you are a joy to the Father, after all it is ALL ABOUT HIM.
I love this Meghan Rainbow Seed!! You are so full of joy, you just beam!!
I so get the part about the Lord no letting you learn from anyone else. When I first started getting an inkling as to my gifting I said ok Lord, now who do I get to mentor me because that was the accepted thing then. He told me very plainly that it was Israel that wanted a king and that it was never His plan for them to have some one inbetween Him and me. So, no earthly mentor for me…. and I love it like that.
Delightful video, was smiling all the way thru!
What a wonderful testimony. I loved watching it. : ) I am so glad to have found your ministry. Viola has a ministry at church on Tuesday mornings praying over the church and the pastor etc. with a few ladies whoever is able to show up. At the moment I have not been released to go so I told her this morning I felt led to give her one of my swing flags to use and I would keep the other to use here at home. She was thrilled beyond words. She is soooo excited!! lol I can’t wait till the Father allows me to order a quill flag for her.
What an Awesome testimony! Hey you started to tell us about the first scarf you didn’t have a word for. Please tell! 🙂
Shabbat Shalom!
WOW! I soooooo empathise with you on that first part – flags????? Absolutely NOT!!!! I don’t think so Lord….people who fly flags are a bit nutty! LOL….then after a little bit of Bible research and then finding YOUR website Meghan I realised that maybe it wasn’t so nutty after all…
So – thank you for listening to the Lord about what He wanted you to do and for sharing it so that I was able to find it and think “Actually….what a wonderful way to worship the Lord!!!! I could do that!!!” It’s like God has released me to use my creative skills in a new way which I never, ever thought possible and it has opened up so many opportunities for me to share what God is doing in my life. I love making flags and seeing what happens to the end result and the words that God gives me to share with people are truly amazing – it is exciting and gives me such a buzz to encourage people by telling them what God has shared with me for them!
And….I absolutely LOVE using my quill flags btw…what a joy to worship with them! They are definitely my favourites!!!! :o)
Great testimony, Meghan. And I love your start on the tile floor, just getting going with whatever was at hand – and the 120 lb. dog, too.
Wow i cannot believe how much your story relates to me. I have a problem with rushing things. Yes, there is discipline that comes when one tries to rush. I just found out that where I wanted to establish my project, i cannot get in for a very long time because of what has to be done. However, I know there are other things that I can do until then which may be years from now. I also found out that sometimes I need to shut up and not say anything. Me speaking out of term has caused more damage than I think. I now have to figure out how I am going to build my base for the project, because it seems that if I build it at home, my parents will throw it all away or at least I need to make a little money on my own. Now that could change everything. I just feel like I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone I live with about this project. Now that I have, it has caused serious trouble and hindrance. I know it will not cease to exist. but now I wonder if there will be any hope soon.
Wowza Meghan! This is soooooooo awesome! I love it. I can relate, because I am still a “toddler” I guess to the things of the Spirit. So when people tell me I have a prophetic gifting, I usually second guess lol, and I often doubt whether or not Jewelry is what I am supposed to be doing, and it’s so funny, I didn’t think I had any kind of artistic ability until my best friend/spiritual mommy passed away last April. I couldn’t stand the thought of all her art stuff going to the garbage, so I took it. I had kinda dabbled here and there at making a necklace or a ring, but i REALLY have been taken hold of by it. I just fell in love, but I do the same thing, I make a piece, and I give it away lol, but it is soooooo cool because a lot of the people have said that the Tree pendants especially have given them confirmation of a word the LORD had spoken to them…. This testimony blessed my socks off!!! Definitely do not despise humble beginnings.
BTW I literally LOL at “Jesus am I pretty”
Lol!! Great imitation of Donna, you sound just like her!!