At Dyed4you, we frequently bless people with our products at the Lord’s prompting. If you would like to give a love offering to help support us – we will gratefully receive that.
One example of how these are a blessing comes from Michele Perry of Iris Ministries – Sudan, who said the children loved the streamers we gave them, “Thank you!!!!!! Our kids worshipped with those streamers you sent until they were ragged!”
Contact us for more information on how you can support us! Thank you and God bless 🙂
Please note that we are not a 503c, which means a donation is not tax deductable, but it is still greatly appreciated!
On the above are some of the 50 8×54 scarves we gave away at a outreach in Downtown St Louis. People were overwhelmed and blessed!
Shown to the left are five silk streamers (made from 8×54 scarves) and five 14×72 scarves that went to Mozambique to bless the woman and children.