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Quill from Dream Manifested

This is a beautiful story about a pair of 35″ (L) quills, a 30×30 silk and a bottle of Restoration oil from the Scent of Heaven.  What’s fun about this story is that when she ordered I didn’t know they all were for her – she also ordered another silk and oil as a gift, and so I thought BOTH silk/oil combos were gifts!  When I went to package the order to ship it and finally noticed that the quills were named Flourishing Hope and the 30×30 silk was named Hope I thought to myself, “I can’t send her two things with the name so similar!!!”  In the end, I sent what Father had told me to (of course) 😉

I hadn’t told you but, about a month ago, I had a dream; I was standing on a stage waving a single (or a pair of) quill flag(s). The most prominent color was “yellow”, so I thought the silk I was holding was Preparing for the Bridegroom. (I know now the color I saw in my dream was not yellow but chartreuse!!!! My Preparing for the Bridegroom scarf has it, and since its so close to yellow I thought that was what I saw. They are perfect!!)

The truth is I had been wanting to order from Dyed4you for some time and, in my plans, I was to order a pair of swing flags. I knew G-d was moving me to worship with flags but, although quills are reeaaallyyy beautiful, I -honestly- never considered getting them. So, when I had that dream (until then, I had not had a dream were I saw myself with flags -maybe with streamers-), I prayed about it and decided to get a pair of 35” quills.

I placed the order and added a 30” x 30” scarf for me and a 14” x 72” scarf for a friend. I still need to give her, her gift so, you’ll definitely be hearing more stories!! 🙂 But for now, I’ll share with you the IMMENSE blessing I have received through the flags…

Almost two and a half years ago, I was going through a trial period in my life. For some reasons -which can NEVER be enough to excuse or justify my behavior towards G-d- I turned the moment that the Lord had purposed to bless me, to help me trust Him more, into the moment I would not let Him be the center of my life anymore. That decision lead me into a tailspin; it delayed the plans G-d had for me and affected many things: college, relationships, family, etc. Fast forward a year and a half, I was invited to a christian retreat called Chrysalis (thank G-d He provided for me to go; He was always after me… The lover of our souls…) The information they’ve provided in their brochure explains a little bit more about it:

The process in which a caterpillar turns into a butterfly is called chrysalis. At first glance, it may seem like nothing is happening, but the delicate process changes the hairy caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly with wings of vibrant colors and intricate designs. The process of the chrysalis represents how Christ can transform you in ways you can’t even imagine. This things happen when you open your life to His power and to the transforming love of Jesus (Romans 5:5; Ephesians 3:14- 21).”

I can testify that I entered as a very rebellious caterpillar, but the love the Father still had for me, His never changing love made me try harder to be the butterfly he wanted me to be. My mind was set on seeking the Lord again as I used to. However, I felt weak. I felt as I could move my wings but I couldn’t take flight. I was trying to be pleasant to the Lord, but still repeating the same mistakes from the past. I was losing faith, I felt discouraged… It took another retreat, ”Open the heavens” to get me on the right track. When I decided to leave the things that were taking my attention from G-d, I began to see Him restore my life and bring hope.

That is the name of my flags!! Flourishing Hope!! I cried when I saw them on Facebook and you told me they were mine. [That was the day I saw you dance Meghan! (So… I was sobbing while watching you dance…)] What is really peculiar about this experience is that, about a week before I received my flags, Abba told me to read Psalms 30. He also directed me through Psalms 21 to 31.

Then, I got the package and saw that the the first scripture in the letter was Psalm 30: 11-12!! I can identify myself with that whole chapter, but He has really changed “my mourning into dancing.” Ahhh… I can share sooo many details but what’s most important is, the fact that the Lord has been using this flags to draw me closer to Him. He has spoken to me in many ways and has brought answers to prayers that had been before Him for some time. Moreover, he has reminded me to keep my eyes on Him and NOT get distracted; to choose Him and seek Him first; to rejoice in hardships, for He is molding my character; to choose LIFE!!!! They could not had gotten here at a better time!!! I’m really soooo in love with the Father for creating them, and very, very thankful for you and the Dyed4you Team!!!

PS: More stories are to come… 😀

I love that Father is speaking to her through butterflies and they keep showing up in images in her silks!  She had one too in the silk she received in a giveaway 🙂

Then a couple weeks later, she sent me the next part of this story…

There’s more on the Flourishing Hope quills!! Remember that I told you Abba was using those flags to draw me closer to Him, and that He had answer prayers from some time? I think I should tell you what is that about. You know I’ve been assisting to the Methodist Church since I was little. Father use the flags, to draw me into a special time with Him, where He confirmed it’s time to finally become a member of Plenitud de Vida, the church that’s pursuing the Hebrew roots. I talked with my Pastor, my family, and the Pastor from Plenitud and received all of their blessings!!

Moreover, remember that I told you I saw a single quill in my dream? The last youth service I went to, Father moved me to give one of the quills to a young woman. It was a very special moment!! And after I told her what I was receiving from Him, she told me: “Really!? These are my favorite colors!!”

I really can’t begin to describe how blessed I’ve been through the silks!!!! Your wishes in the Dyed4you card have become a reality in my life. I know everything that was sent to me was picked by the Father, including that card.

A while back I was having serious issues with my faith because I sensed I could not face the enemy. I knew G-d had given me authority over “serpents and scorpions” but, when I went into battle it was a different story. One day, while I was praying with some sisters in faith I saw the Father giving me a sword. That day we prayed about this situation and I remembered who I am in Him!!! So that card, Destroying Strongholds is soooo not random!!! Plus, it speaks to me about some things I have to get straight in my life, the Lord’s been pointing out to me.

In the last letter I didn’t mention how thankful I am for giving me the gift of the Hebrew lettering on the quills… Thank you Meghan!! The last letter you’ll receive, will be about the Hope Scarf and the other equally precious silk!!

And so you can see the color of the quills even better…

View quills / 30×30 / add an oil

12 thoughts on “Quill from Dream Manifested

  1. I love her worship dance. Just beautiful.

  2. so pretty that is my color yellow i love it, and one day i will have this to, have a great day love you judy

  3. So beautiful !!!! Thank you for the ‘story behind’…Father is always so faithful !! :o)

  4. I am just blown away by her story. I can totally relate to her story. The Father loves us so and He will continue you to woo us. He knows our issues our fears our hopes our pain; He knows it all. He knows it all and He wants us to come to Him and rest in Him.

    May you continue to grow in Him and bask in His Grace.

  5. …I’ve just got ministered by my own testimony… Hahaha. ^^. Oh, there’s so much that’s been going on lately and, somehow, everything revolves around the word Hope. You know, I was thinking of this the other day; that I’ve been (or I think I’ve been) aware of the areas G-d is working with me on. About three years ago it was trust, then it was patience, now it is hope… I’ve not yet finished on those -like Shaul said (Philippians 3:13)-, but I’ve noticed when He’s going to start coaching me on a virtue. What I was meditating on, was the fact that the first silk I received was Preparing for the Bridegroom. So, I’m wowed at how it all falls into place. This was beautiful (not because I wrote it ^^, but because of how G-d prepared it to be) ♥ I’m more that happy to know it’s a blessing!

  6. awesome testimony……God is so good and so faithful….HE never gives up on us….and confirms His Word in so many awesome ways.

  7. Linette, you were born to dance with these flags. Beautiful dance, beautiful testimony. Isnt His love the MOST amazing thing ever?!

  8. awesome testimony!
    The Lord loves His daughter!

  9. Awesome!!

  10. it’s beautiful testimony.
    full of hope and love and how good our Abba is.
    Linette you are so awesome as you worship, you are Abba’s warrior of love and grace and no weapon against you can prosper. you are beloved of Yeshua!

  11. how beautiful testimony.
    full of hope and love and how good our Abba is.
    Linette you are so awesome as you worship, you are Abba’s warrior of love and grace and no weapon against you can prosper. you are beloved of Yeshua!

  12. Linette, your testimony is beautiful, just like you! I really enjoyed your worship and want to thank you for sharing with us. Thank you Linette and Meghan for blessing me this morning. 🙂

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