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Peace Breakthrough

We’ve shared before that as devastating as it is when you have breakage in the natural, we believe it parallels breakthrough in the spiritual realm as well. Today I experienced a new thing – I had a silk tear when I was using it. Believe it or not, in the over ten years I’ve been doing this I believe it’s the first time it’s happened to me personally. And as bummed as I was that it happened, I got kind of a cool download from God on why. 

Background Details

So let me back up for a moment and share a bit about these wings. They’re 5mm large spin wings. You all likely have heard me make reference to my Dyed4you Team (who I am eternally grateful for!), but in addition to collaborating with the team, I periodically will collaborate with someone else be it the customer because God has give a partial download or a prophetic intercessor friend, etc. 

Recently, I’ve been enjoying a series of interactions with a young lady who God started downloading to about silks. So we’ve got several threads going at any given time right now, and while we were working on one, a member of my Dyed4you Art team shared the space picture above and immediately I knew it was to inspire the colors for this piece (at this time I still didn’t know I was the recipient LOL).

In addition to the image above my team member got more download and so the three of us pinged pieces back and forth until the word was completed. And wow is it a beauty! I have it shared on our Dyed4you Ministries blog (Silk: My Carrier of Peace) if you’d like to read it, but the abbreviated version is about being a carrier of peace – one whose feet are shod with the gospel of peace (Eph 6) – and operating under the anointing to bring healing and minister to the hurting and lost.


So today (technically yesterday since I’m posting this after midnight), during worship I’d picked up these flags to use and when I went to swing them into action the one in my left hand ripped because a corner of the silk had been under my foot (LOL – sorry I just caught another God wink – FEET shod with the gospel of peace!).

The thing was a moment before I raised my arms I heard God say “you’re standing on it.” But I was already in action and so it ripped. Obviously I was seriously disappointed my beautiful new wings got ripped, but more importantly I wanted to know WHY. Here’s three things God shared:

  • Fragile – peace can be fragile. We need to jealously guard our peace to ensure we don’t allow it to be stolen.
  • Constant attacks against it – there will ALWAYS be attacks against it because the enemy loves chaos! We need to expect them – not in that we’re constantly watching for them – but in the sense we need to be diligent to shore ourself up so we cannot be moved.
  • Be sensitive and responsive to His warnings – had I responded immediately to His warning the whole thing could have been avoided. Even when we’re already “in motion” we need to be ready for God to call an audible and switch things out without hesitation.

Reinforcing the Message with Silk

The church service went on and my pastor preached a message that so closely aligned with another set of flags I brought it was uncanny! As part of that message he hit quite a bit on being carriers of peace – having feet shod with the gospel of peace – bringing that peace wherever we go. So what an AWESOME confirmation that Papa birthed these beauties in advance to give a glorious silken AMEN to the message!

In Closing

And no worries, I’ll be repairing my beautiful wing – my peace doesn’t get stolen that easily šŸ˜‰ Blessings to you all and happy worshipping! 

And me ministering with the un-ripped wing during service at gateway:61 before Pastor John shared the word that so closely aligned with this.

After posting this, I did a Facebook live sharing the story – which includes both My Carrier of Peace (read the silk word/read the testimony on this page) and Eyes Wide Open which is a multi-silk word comprised of Focused on the Kingdom and Sword of the Spirit (read the silk word/read the testimony). I get a little rambly, but it’s fun hearing the story in addition to reading the details šŸ™‚ I hope you’re blessed by it!

2 thoughts on “Peace Breakthrough

  1. […] name of thisĀ silk is My Carrier of PeaceĀ (alsoĀ read the testimony about this silkĀ Peace Breakthrough). The colors in it […]

  2. […] Facebook live sharing the story – which includes both My Carrier of Peace (read the silk word/read the testimony) and Eyes Wide Open which is a multi-silk word comprised of Focused on the Kingdom and Sword of the […]

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