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Blessing Each Other

As I (Meghan) was perusing Facebook, I saw a testimony Margie from Unhindered and Unashamed had shared as part of a giveaway she was doing. This was the testimony from Janet she had posted:

Recently, I was moved by God to give away my worship flags. I am a worship leader and God told me (and confirmed) to give my swing flags to two people on the praise team. That morning, I was getting ready for church and was looking at the fun colors in my hair and noticed that they matched my flags. In that moment, God spoke to me and said, “You ARE my worship flag.” I melted in His love and teared up at the sweet thing he had just said. It really meant a lot to me. So always remember, flags or no flags, you can wave your hands and BE his worship flag.

As I read it, immediately I heard Papa say I was to gift her with a pair of flags, and He showed me a pair of regular spin wings (but in the 5mm silk) in a new style that I’d just birthed called Unbridled Beauty. I checked with Margie to be sure she didn’t mind me contacting her testimony submitter (which of course she didn’t) and then I got in touch with Janet directly.

We both were incredibly blessed by the connection! As we talked she shared that she had an Etsy store too and she makes EXACTLY the kind of jewelry I’ve recently been collecting! In addition, she wanted to bless ME with a gift as well. 🙂 Look at the beautiful Hebrew Shema bangle and “shadow of His wings” necklace she made me!

When she received her wings, she shared the following testimony and video on Facebook (to read the full word that goes with this silk visit the word on our Dyed4you Ministries blog Silk: Unbridled Beauty):

A beautiful woman of God gifted these to me and I received them today.  Words couldn’t possibly even describe how much love I am feeling from my Heavenly Father.  He has just poured it on me lately and all I can do at this point is sit and let it wash over me.

So Meghan, thank you.  Thank you for listening to Him.  Thank you for being a generous soul.  Thank you for growing your prophetic gifting so that others can benefit from it.  You are a kingdom girl. <3

These are my wings
I will fly
Fly above life’s issues
Fly into His presence
Fly to the top of the mountain
Fly from victory to victory with my flags

And below are the demo videos I took of them before sending them

1 thought on “Blessing Each Other

  1. […] a beautiful wide infinity scarf in this style. It also was made into wings in a gradient version (read the testimony). Both are beautiful.  I hope the word, pictures and videos all minister to you. […]

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