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Bouquet from God

This story is about a scarf that was bought by a woman as a gift for her mother. The name of the scarf is Life. The colors in the scarf are white representing victory, emerald green representing healing, spring green representing flourishing, and yellow representing joy.

The verses that went with the scarf are from Psalms 92:12-15:

12The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

13Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.

14They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;

15To shew that the LORD is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.

The daughter shared the story in her own words.

My mother is in a very difficult time in her life with health, marriage, and financial issues. While visiting me, she asked me in frustration and discouragement, “Will I ever have a life?”

We proceeded to talk about having a life. The next day, mom received the scarf that I had ordered for her a few weeks before as a gift. The only instructions I gave on the scarf were the size of the scarf and “let God lead you” regarding the style and colors. Meghan knew nothing about my mother or her life, but God did.

When mom opened the scarf, she was in awe. She had received a word straight from Heaven through the scarf.

The scarf was named “Life” and addressed the questioning of her heart. It reminded her of God’s great love for her. Through the scarf, it was as if God had given her back her life.

She cherishes the scarf and plans to frame the scriptures as a reminder of God’s love for her.

The daughter also shared about her mother’s love of flowers, but she suffers from such strong allergies she can’t be around them (I even had to anoint the scarf with straight olive oil – nothing scented). When she saw the scarf she felt like Jesus was bringing her a bouquet of flowers that she could enjoy.

The Lord loves the details and to whisper sweet nothings to us… He knows right where to get us at that will tickle us the most… He is so good!

View the 22×72 scarf on Dyed4you

10 thoughts on “Bouquet from God

  1. Wow! Again….I am completely amazed at the small details that don’t get overlooked by God. The scarf and the story are beautiful. 😀

  2. Another amazing story! I am amazed how God works through you to bless others. I just love the story and how God had it all in place. The Flowers in the scarf are just beautiful, i have never seen one like this. Again, thank you Meghan for taking the time to post all of these wonderful stories so that we may be blessed and reminded how God loves us all.

  3. For some reason this just reminded me of God being a “jealous lover”! And he sent her the bouquet to get her attention!

    What I love most about these scarves is not only is it beautiful to look at beacause of the colors but it’s art that can be worn and wrapped around you not only physically but emotionally and spiritually….WOW!

  4. Wow! I love it! Scarf, story and all. It never ceases to amaze me how God touches each of us with exactly what we need when we need it most! Thanks for sharing! This story was very encouraging to me!!

  5. I LOVE IT! And I love you, sistoiree!

    Thanks for being the inspired listener that you are…you bless so many…including me! xo

  6. Wow. Those flowers are so perfectly flowers. It is as if you planned them to be that way, but you didn’t. But God used you as his paintbrush on this scarf. He painted this lady a beautiful bouquet and you were the paintbrush in his hand. Way Cool!!! How awesome is the love of God!

  7. you know now that i look at the scarf again…it looks like the flowers are all standing in worship and praising God! 🙂

  8. I love how it looks like a field of flowers. How awesome is our God!!!!!

  9. You know, I just saw a facebook post about not worrying about tomorrow because God is already there. He is! It is so amazing how the mother not only received what she needed, but the word she needed was written before she even asked the question. I love the colors and it does look like a field of flowers!

  10. Ahhh .. God’s Heart ♡ What a beautiful testimony of how much God cares for us and wants us to know that He KNOWS us and is WITH us each step of the way ! God you are SOOOO GOOD !!

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