I received an order from a woman who shared that “The Holy Spirit AUDIBLY told me to dance. This scarf will be used to dance for His Pleasure, and to pray.”
When her order was complete, this was the letter included with her order:
The name of your scarf is Promises Assured. The colors in it are:
- Dusty rose representing promise
- Brown representing contrite heart
- White representing childlike faith
- Mahogany brown representing God’s love & warrior’s heart (praise in the mouth and sword in the hand – Psalm 149:3-7)
The scarf has a mahogany edge because you are hedged in in His love… within that are His promises, which are grounded in your childlike faith. You stand before Him in humility with a contrite heart – yet with the heart of a warrior you contend for that which He has promised.
It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Come Dance With Me, which is a beckoning into deeper intimacy with the Lord.
I pray this blesses you…
A couple days after receiving her scarf, she sent me this note:
I received my scarf on Saturday! It is absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for making it for me. I was able to share the arrival of it with my husband. YAY, GOD!
Everything concerning the colors, description, and the name of the scarf (“Promises Assured”) is right on spot. I have always loved dusty rose and I think that it looks rather “antique” – which is perfect, because my favorite Name Of God is “Ancient Of Days!” The scent “Come Dance With Me” permeates the air and I love it!
At first, the brown threw me. Brown is okay by me, but not a favorite. I wear it some, I like it, but I never considered it much. So – I went to the scriptures this morning and researched it (along with the scripture that you included in the note.) After two and a half hours of reading again God’s promises to me and understanding a little bit more about a “contrite heart,” I can tell you that I LOVE the brown! 🙂
That a contrite heart is one that is crushed, and that Jesus was “crushed for our iniquities” and was so-crushed voluntarily – well, that just melted my heart. What a glorious remembrance of being contrite in heart, which is a quality that God is pleased with…wow! God loves our humility and is “with those who are contrite in heart.” He takes our pieces and puts them together again and they are even BETTER than before! What a Real Carpenter He Is!
I look forward to dancing with my veil tomorrow morning. It is appropriate that it is “Election Day!” As a member of God’s elect, I have been given the privilege to minister to God Himself as I dance for Him with all of my heart using my beautiful veil that He gave me. He chose me, why He voted for me (and you, too!) That is enough. I tell you, that right there is enough. May God be praised forever and ever!
Thank you again for being obedient to Christ Jesus in all of this. I can’t tell you just how perfect every nuance is. It would take an epistle for you to totally understand how this is woven into my life. What an Awesome God!
May God bless you this day with the blessings you have given others within your obedience…ten times over!
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I love this description of Jesus… “He takes our pieces and puts them together again and they are even BETTER than before! What a Real Carpenter He Is!”
Thank you for sharing your testimony.
Love the colors of this one. Reminds me of “Anointed Feet” too. What a beautiful testimony and yet another one that includes dancing for Him. Amazing how many of His children He’s called to dance especially with these silks. I like how it led her into a study of a contrite heart. What a blessing! This is a beautiful testimony 🙂