It’s rare for me to receive a request for something that is not dyed. So I was surprised and intrigued when I received a request for a custom beaded veil that would be white (like a bride) and have a second tier of silk to be able to bring over the face. It was needed for a dance.
When the woman called to place the order, the Lord had given her some specific words and scriptures for me that both constituted instructions for the veil and specific confirmation to other personal prophetic words as well as a direct answer to a question I’d posed to God only the night before that there was no way anyone but God could have known. It was clear from the get-go this was a special project!
Part of the word was releasing me to operate in a Spirit of Wisdom in the creation of the veil. Another portion mentioned an oil of Melchizedek. The woman was hesitant to even mention the oil because it seemed a little odd, but little did she know my spiritual mother was the heart behind The Scent of Heaven – she prophetically blends all the oils I use on the scarves.
After prayer and fasting, this is what the Lord birthed:
Enclosed you will find your veil. Its name is Beloved. As I prayed about your veil, God showed me a lot of sheer, white silk – it’s because you, as His bride, are to be covered in holiness. I also immediately saw the gold ribbon, which is because He wishes to adorn you in beauty – beauty for ashes because as we know gold is tried in fire… the beauty comes as a result of His purification.
Next came the beads. Clear – like tears because as our heart aligns with His in intercession we cannot help but cry. And as we do, our tears are so precious to Him – like diamonds – each one of incredible value. This is why in Psalm 56:8 it says, “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” And in Psalm 126:5 He promises us that all those tears are not in vain, “Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!” You brought confirmation by the verse you sent from Isaiah 61:10,
I will greatly rejoice in the LORD; my soul shall exult in my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to sprout up, so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to sprout up before all the nations.
The robe of righteousness is like the veil of holiness – a beautiful headdress. And the adorning with jewels reminiscent of the tears like diamonds.
The next thing the Lord spoke to me about was Holiness to the Lord (Exodus 28:36). In Exodus 28 the Lord describes the priest’s turban. And hanging on the turban was to be a gold plate engraved with “Holiness to the Lord” – the plate was to hang on the forehead. When you look up the Hebrew word for forehead one of the meanings was “an impudent brow.” Impudent is like insolence, haughty, contemptuous. To have contempt means “willful disobedience to or open disrespect of the valid rules.” So because of the fact that we as humans have a desire to do it “our way” (see Aaron’s sons on the first day of priestly ministry in Leviticus 10), God posts a reminder right on our heads to be HOLY – perfect in righteousness. So “Holiness to the Lord” was written in Hebrew in gold (to identify with the gold plate) on white silk ribbon (the white representing righteousness).
Attached to the ribbon is a blue cord (blue representing priesthood) because in Exodus 28:37 it says the gold plate should be attached by a blue cord. (The blue cord will also be helpful in pinning the veil to your head!)
I hovered with this image of your veil in my head for nearly a week just praying and waiting – I knew it wasn’t complete yet. Then one day while in prayer He showed me a braid of blue, purple, and scarlet cords. These were to represent the tabernacle. The blue again representing priesthood, the purple royalty, and the scarlet the shed blood of our High Priest – our Betrothed. In Exodus 39:29 it speaks of them being woven (interlacing strands), which is why they were braided.
The veil was finally created on the last day of Purim – the appointed time that marks the deliverance of the Israelites. Each piece came together exactly as He has defined. The braid was made and sewn by hand to the gold and white ribbon creating the upper ribbon. Holiness to the Lord and the blue cord were sewn to the gold ribbon for the underside and attached to the veil. The beads were sewn on and then the upper ribbon was attached.
God was speaking to me about you being under the veil like being covered by His new covenant – His covenant of grace. It leaving you in the world, but not of it… separated, set apart, covered in holiness.
Next came the Oil of Melchizedek, which Carol had been praying over for weeks since I had first made the request. Exodus 30:22-33 is the oil initially created for the purpose of consecrating priests and items to be used in priestly service. In Exodus 30:32 it specifically says not to remake an oil like this, which is what caused Carol to pause and pray for clear direction before moving forward. Being a woman with a great fear of the Lord, she would never want to do something contrary to His desire or instruction.
As she prayed she sensed that Oil of Melchizedek was to be made from a base of some Exodus 30 ingredients (like myrrh and cinnamon) with additions as directed by the Lord. I confirmed this to her as that was exactly what I’d gotten in prayer.
Drops of Atoning Blood essentials were added since Jesus is our high priest of the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7). Pomegranate was added because of the pomegranates around the hems of the priestly garments (Exodus 28:33). Acacia was added because it was the wood used for the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25). Frankincense, hyssop, and salt were added as cleansing and purification. Salt also represents covenant. Numbers 18:19b “It is a covenant of salt forever before the LORD for you and for your offspring with you.” Stacte was added because it was used in the temple as a fragrance before the Lord (Exodus 30:34), frankincense was as well.
We considered it further confirmation when the Lord told me to count the strands of beads on the veil. There were 67. I heard Him say Song of Solomon. So I looked up Song of Solomon 6:7 which reads, “Your cheeks are like halves of a pomegranate behind your veil.”
In addition to this being a confirmation of the oil. I sensed the Lord talking about your beauty… your beauty to Him as His beloved. His bride. This is where the name of the veil comes from. As His bride we must have hearts like His. In Hebrews 7:24-25 it says:
But because Jesus lives forever, his priesthood lasts forever. Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.
If our hearts are to be like His, we must be joined with Him in His priestly ministry and intercession. As we do this, we are the reflection of His bride. His beloved who is so beautiful to Him. A beautiful bride. A priestly bride. A beautiful priest. His beloved.
I felt like there was something else God was trying to show me in the pomegranate. So I looked up the word in Hebrew, which of course meant pomegranate! But the root of that Hebrew word is ramam, which means “to be exalted, be lifted up.” What I sensed God saying is that your cheeks should be lifted up – as in keeping your eyes and attentions on Him.
In the King James Song of Solomon reads, “As a piece of a pomegranate are thy temples within thy locks.” The Hebrew for locks is referring to a veil, but it was the word “temples” that caught my attention. I thought it might be the same word as temple (as in we are living temples), but it’s not. I found this in the Free Dictionary and it was highlighted to me, “The temple of the head comes from the Latin word tempus, “temple of the head.” Its origin is not certain; some have thought it to be a special use of the homonymous word tempus “time” as a translation of Greek kairios, “(proper) time, opportunity, vital spot,” but there is no hard evidence for this.”
What I sensed in this is simply God specifically wanting to say to you – this is the time. The perfect timing for where He is moving you in this season into a deeper priestly ministry with Him… it is the proper time.
Finally, the veil was prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Oil of Melchizedek, which is used in the act of consecrating and sanctifying something or someone to the Lord’s priestly service.
Also enclosed you will find a gift from me, a pomegranate candle. A reminder that He finds you beautiful and to stay focused on Him. I hope you enjoy all of it. Many blessing as you continue to serve Him!
We actually spoke on the phone briefly regarding the oil before the veil was done – she was thrilled with what Carol had created. And a week later I received an email regarding the whole package – she shared that she’d encountered quite a bit of spiritual opposition surrounding the dance with the veil, but even so the veil and oil were blessings to her and others… below is a portion of her email.
It was very powerful for everyone who saw it. …It is my 12th anniversary present, (early for the 4th of July). But when I read the letter you sent, it meant so much to me that I literally just cried and prayed before the Lord thanking Him for the timing of this and how you finished it by Purim. For me it was a symbol of what I have been asking the Lord to do in me–deliver me from the world.
I was amazed at every detail that went into the creation of this veil and the Spirit of Wisdom operating through you that I could feel the heart of my Father and His love for me. Not to mention the name–Beloved which is the first painting the Lord gave to me revealing to me the Bride of Christ.
And then on top of it all, I was so blessed that God created a new oil, the oil of Melchizedek. I truly did not understand what I was saying when I told you “oil of Melchizedek” and Exodus 30 anointing oil. I had no idea that God was going to make a new oil for a new priesthood. Praise the Lord!
I just cried because His thoughts are so high and lofty that He amazes me so much. I thank you and Carol for allowing you to bless me in such a special way. May the Lord bless you, Meghan. May He continue to take you to the highest places in Him.
View the Special Order page or Beaded Veils on Dyed4you
THIS is the one that just gets to me so much. It makes me blush, and remember His words in Song of Songs…come away with My, my beloved! Another one where it’s hard for me to find the words to describe how I feel when I see the pictures and read the testimony. It’s so detailed from start to finish! The intricate detailing of the veil, the annointing oil, the meaning, the TESTIMONY!! Oh Lord Jesus, our eternal Husband, you are so marvelous to behold!!
I love the way each scarf is made with so much detail…
This is absolutely mind-blowing! Can’t get over how detailed this veil was made…and she does look like a bride…awesome!
So beautiful, complex, and meaningful.
[…] beaded veil (it’s actually a special order item) I’ve made to date (rivaled only by the bridal one I did in 2009, but it wasn’t dyed). It is a 12mm silk charmeuse (a luxurious fabric) with custom dyed silk […]