In Spring of 2007, the woman (who I sometimes refer to as the “mama” of my ministry since she helped to birth it) ordered a prayer cloth for a friend whose son was serving in the armed forces overseas. They had an expression in their family they sometimes used where they would talk about hanging onto the “shirttails of Jesus”. So she wanted to get her friend a prayer cloth called Shirttails of Jesus. The letter that went with the cloth was:
The name of this prayer cloth is Shirttails of Jesus.
The colors are purple (representing dominion), earthy red (representing apple of His eye), and white (representing triumph). It has been prayed over and anointed with Cedar of Lebanon (representing strength).
So what does all this mean? Jesus loves you! You are the apple of His eye – precious to Him – and He is in control, He is sovereign. Your triumph is as you rest in Him… holding on to the “shirttails” of Jesus where He gives you strength. Don’t let go… He’s got you.
The verses that go with this are Psalm 62:5-8:
- Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.
- He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
- My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
- Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.
I pray this blesses you – thank you for serving our country – my prayers will continue to be with you.
I never heard anything more about the prayer cloth until March 2009 when the recipient contacted me to share the amazing experience she’d had. Since she shared both by phone and email I’m going to summarize combining both to give the full story.
She had been having a rough season for about a year – very dry – not hearing much if anything from God and was fairly discouraged and dealing with a lot of other emotions like anxiety as well. One night unable to sleep and not wanting to wake her husband, she crawled out of bed and headed to a quiet room that she found comfortable and comforting.
She reached in a nearby drawer to look at a photo album and in doing so stumbled across a cloth with a Dyed4you card attached to it. She’d be given a scarf of her own that was well enjoyed, but at this point she had no recollection of receiving this cloth. She picked it up and saw the name, which of course hit home because of their family’s use of the term.
She untied the ribbon and took the cloth and placed it on her face. Immediately she was hit with the power of God! In her email she described it as “not a soft, sappy warm fuzzy peace (which would have been fine) but POWER” – so startling in fact she snatched it back off her face for a moment to consider if it was of God or not! After musing for a moment that it was prayed over and anointed, she put it back on her head and experienced the same intensity as the first time.
Since she had been dealing with some chest pains as a result of the anxiety, next she put the cloth on her chest and told the Lord if this was Him to please remove the pains in her chest and instantly the pains left her! For the first night in a long while she slept completely peacefully and had no nightmares.
Thank You God for Your faithfulness! Continue Your mighty work…
View the 11×11 prayer cloth on Dyed4you
How sweet, precious, and how tenderhearted of the Lord to display such a powerful move in her life in the quiet of the night like that. Those desert wildernesses are just plain difficult. There’s no two ways about it. But what a divine appointment in time for her to find the scarf and have such a blessed intimate moment with her Saviour, and He HEALED HER!! To God be the glory forever!
After reading this scarf story (which I had a couple of months back) I had a similar experience.
I was having a restless sleepless night and was filled with anxiety…i remembered this scarf story and went to get my scarf…I put it on my chest and prayed to God to take away my restlessness and comfort my troubled mind. Within seconds I had a vision of an ugly black scary looking creature staring at my face and Jesus came towards it and dragged it away from me with such might and anger! The creature cowered and shivered in the corner in the presence of Jesus and I fell asleep instantly after this vision!
So thank you for sharing your story, it helped me experience peace too! 🙂