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Displaying “His Delight”

Feedback from a recent order:

WoW Got my Scarf today – I Love IT! I think there is lot’s to let soak in. The scripture was one I had marked but hadn’t been able to locate! Thank You!

Later, she shared an image of how she had her scarf displayed when she wasn’t wearing it — right next to her Dyed4you Art Stairway to Revelation image 🙂

This scarf, which is named His Delight, is a modified version of the Beulah scarf used in the His Delight Dyed4you Art image.

Later on (06/16/10) when she got her hubby one as a gift she came up with a creative way to display his too!

View the 22×72 scarf on Dyed4you

3 thoughts on “Displaying “His Delight”

  1. […] Now they both have their scarves on display!  See hers here […]

  2. i love the black and white picture where she highlights the scarf and card and she has the dyed4you website on her computer screen! VERY CREATIVE! She thought of it all! Really like it!

  3. Awww! She has a Dyed4You area designated in her home 🙂 Definitely an anointed place in her home, lol 🙂

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