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Resurrection Sunday Dance / Hesitate Not

A Dyed4you customer bought several scarves as gifts for ladies at her church who are anointed to dance.  Two of them used them for a dance on resurrection Sunday – see the video and read the scarf stories!

Here’s the story as shared by Judy, the gift-giver:

“HESITATE NOT” – My story started out in March before Easter. I KNEW I needed Meghan to create 2 scarves for 2 women dancing in our Easter presentation. Through many confusing emails back and forth to Meghan – we finally hit the nail on the head and I said do it!!

At the very last minute – God threw one more person in the mix – that changed EVERYTHING because I didn’t have the money for this 3rd scarf – and truly I was very nervous to add that 3rd person. I did not want to confuse Meghan any more than I already had – BUT I knew I had to do this and let God take care of the finances! With grace and mercy from Meghan the 3rd got added. When I received the scarves – I was blown away once again by God’s integrity and Meghan’s accuracy and how God uses her.

The scarves were called Love Song, It is Finished, and Healing Flow. Love Song and It Is Finished were for the first two women. When I presented them – they were floored. You see, they needed two scarves for the dance and one a specific color scarf – it HAD to be red. They couldn’t find the right red. When they opened the red one – the girls were speechless. They ended up being EXACTLY what was needed. But here’s the best part………………….

Healing Flow was for Pam. When the scarves were being made – I had NO idea that Pam’s sister was dying of cancer and neither did she. Within a couple of days after I place the order, our leadership announced that Pam’s sister had 3 days to live – she died in exactly 3 days and the scarf arrived the next day! When I opened the scarf – I got very very scared. You see the scarf was called Healing Flow and the letter that came talked about healing that was going to come about, and inner healing and how Pam’s touch was going to heal. I read the letter and said “No God I can’t give this to this woman. I am not going to hurt her in her pain, I am not going to kick her when she’s down. No I won’t do this. I even went so far to say – what are you thinking God!”

BIG MISTAKE!!! The Lord immediately showed me it was not about me and what I was doing – it had NOTHING to do with me. It was about how HE was going to take a very hurtful situation and bring immediate healing and restoration. I bantered with Him and eventually gave in because I wasn’t going to win.

The day BEFORE Easter Pam showed up – I was so frightened but knew I HAD to give it to her. I presented her with the scarf and read her the letter as she opened the package. When I finished and looked up at her – I thought she was angry – her silence scared me. She started to weep and all I could think of was I offended her deeply. But NO!

You see the scarf was mostly green with beautiful splashes of blue all over. Pam looked me square in the face and said that green was her favorite color and her sister’s favorite color was the EXACT blue in the scarf. The letter was confirmation of healing gifting that Pam has been told she carries and also healing that will come from this loss!!! I was just dumbfounded!

Yesterday I received a thank you card and Pam told me that everyday when she is in her prayer time – she wraps the scarf around herself and feels her sister with her!

I wish I had all kinds of fancy scripture to put here – but you know what – HESITATE NOT – when God calls you to do something! By NO means am I taking any credit for this -because it truly has NOTHING to do with me at all. God used Meghan and I as carriers of hope in a time of brokenness!
God is good and I am humbled. What would have happened if I had hesitated? I truly love God and His ability to NEVER stop showing who He is!

Thank you for reading my story and thank you Meghan for your “stick-to-it-ability!”

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7 thoughts on “Resurrection Sunday Dance / Hesitate Not

  1. This was so beautiful!!! Bless you ladies for your ministry of dance! I loved it 🙂

  2. Judy, that’s such an amazing story. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a clear message from God and actually questioned it – “really, are you serious, God? This is what you want me to do?” And of course if I choose to ignore or be disobedient to His message, things just don’t seem to go smoothly. When I trust and listen and follow even if I think it’s nuts, things turn ur just the way they should. I love that – HESITATE NOT. It’s so true. 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your story.

  3. Wow! Love this story…nice clip too!

  4. Beautiful testimony, God is amazing. He is the one that always know the right timing. Thank you for sharing you story.

  5. Jesus be my all!!!!! I cannot stop weeping. This story is such another awesome, yes truly awesome testimony how the Almighty Father knows every intimate detail. He deeply and passionately loves us and just wants us to surrender every single part of our being to Him. All situations, all thoughts……I was just thinking and talking to the Lord today. “Father make me swiftly obedient to your voice, to your nudgings” I am almost at a loss for words, which is very rare!!! LOL!!! Tears are streaming down, there is something about this video and story that has touched me on such a level that I am not yet able to understand but I know for sure that I am so grateful for this blog site and the powerful testimonies that are being brought forth. There is true healing in His wings. I honor you Lord Jesus……BE MY ALL!!!!

  6. Very Beautiful! Amazing how God works through people. Thanks so much for sharing this story with us (As well as the many others on this site).

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