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How-to put a flag on the pole

After poking many holes in the tops of my banner flags, I came up with a method that has worked very well in protecting the silk and helps the flag be more usable.  I’ve done a series of images to show how-to do it, it’s not hard at all but it’s just easier to show you than it is to describe in email (as I’ve done for several of you before). 🙂

NOTE: this style is for PERSONAL use, I’ve come up with a different design for use in a CORPORATE setting.

This presumes you are using a crappie fishing pole and a Dyed4you flag/banner (typically 45×108 with a flag seam, but we also do special orders for larger or heavier weights).

My personal favorite pole is the 10′ ones from BassPro, Walmart carries them for a couple dollars less, but the handle is texture plastic which I find chaffs my hands whereas the BassPro one is pleather and therefore more gentle 🙂

Step 1

Take off the rubber top and extend the pole

Step 2

Put the tip of the pole through the elastic grip near the entrance of the flag pocket

Step 3

Slip the rubber tip inside the flag pocket until it is just above the tip of the pole

Step 4

Slip the tip of the pole in the opening of the bottom of the rubber tip

Step 5

Holding the base of the flag pocket opening, begin sliding the pole in the pocket (the rubber will "grab" the fabric so be gentle and coax it along)

Step 6

Slide the pole into the pocket until the rubber tip is securely at the top end of the pocket

Step 7

Pull the base of the flag pocket down until the flag pocket is taut (you may have to stretch the elastic grip to get it over the pole where the second extension begins)

Step 8

This is how it should look when you're done 🙂 See the video below to see how this flag moves...

View the 45×108 or sewing services on Dyed4you

3 thoughts on “How-to put a flag on the pole

  1. Love this idea! (fishing pole) Another thing to add to my list!

  2. […] Below you’ll find some video that gives you the basics on using one of our 5mm China Silk flags.  The one I use here is a 45×108 (with the flag seam added).  In the video I reference the post on how-to put the flag on the pole, which you can find here. […]

  3. […] (respectively) by approximately 100″. They have serged edges and come either set up for personal or corporate use.  These silk banner flags are used on fishing poles (which we don’t sell, […]

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