A customer who bought some special order voi (55×108) called Releasing the Promises of God contacted me with an awesome scarf story about how God moved with her silks in a corporate setting.
Dear sister Meghan, I hope you can get to see these pics from last night service the Holy Spirit prompted me to get the scarfs out of my car right where they had been for the past few months, right in the middle of worship I tried using them as the voi but… I prayed and prayed and decided to use them as billows. Wow the congregation started to walk under them and the Glory of God just fell with such thickness – such heavy anointing words cannot explain. Awesome presence of God!
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So awesome!!!! Glad she was able to take pictures to share too!
[…] in May I shared another moment that this Voi veil was used as a billow. Well, it happened again – this time the WHOLE church (and a large congregation at that) […]