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Altered Wing

For a while now people have been asking for a smaller wing than my standard 45×108 semicircle wing, but I haven’t been able to create ones that are a quality I’d be comfortable selling.

Then a couple days ago I had a divine inspiration to alter the semicircles I can order… and it worked! There’s a seam down the center, which is barely visible. Take a peek at the pictures and video 🙂

This can be ordered by getting a semicircle of either weight and ordering an altered wing seam.

The music is Ron Johns’ Music to Pray by available free online.

View Semicircle / Sewing Services on Dyed4you

6 thoughts on “Altered Wing

  1. Meghan it is just beautiful. I was just in aw as i watched the video. It flowed so beautifully, I couldn’t see a seam at all. I love it!!!!

  2. Hi Meghan, it looks so much easier to handle! And the colors are gorgeous as always! 🙂

  3. It IS easier to handle! I’m so grateful for the inspiration – I was really pleased with how it turned out. 🙂

  4. And you can’t see the seam 😉 It’s really beautiful in motion. Looks very lightweight! I’d love to have one of these one day!

  5. […] Altered semicircle wing (approx 35×72) […]

  6. […] the center seam where the alteration took place, which makes it (in my mind) preferable to the dowel version which can actually have weakening caused by the dowel rubbing on the […]

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