Below you’ll find some video that gives you the basics on using one of our 5mm China Silk flags. The one I use here is a 45×108 (with the flag seam added). In the video I reference the post on how-to put the flag on the pole, which you can find here.
The lighting and angle don’t show the flag off to it’s best, so be sure to watch other flag videos – you’ll find links below in the “related links” section. Hope you find it helpful!
Thanks to my dear hubby Allen for filming 🙂
View 45×108 / Sewing Services on Dyed4you
Beautiful!!! i just love it. These are very helpful. I don’t have my large scarf in the flag, but i do dance with it and i have gotten mine twisted, so this does help. Off to check out your other one’s. thank you Meghan!!
Very helpful & cool how-to video!! You have to tallest ceilings I’ve ever seen, lol. God knew you needed it for those big flags 😉 Does that size flag work well with a slightly shorter rod?
Yes! You could use a short rod, I just hadn’t found one. If you do – let me know!
And yes on the ceilings… it amazes me how God plans ahead. He moved us here 3 years before I started dyeing 🙂 He’s so smart!