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Amanda with Under His Wing Voi

For any Dyed4you regulars, you may remember Amanda E saying something about how she’d probably hurt someone with one of these… I think not! LOL 🙂  Her first time using voi was the evening before I shot this video clip.

She’s worshiping with a single voi with an 8mm semicircle attached. The music is by Christ for the Nations 🙂

View voi / semicircle on Dyed4you

8 thoughts on “Amanda with Under His Wing Voi

  1. Amazing! You can see the free flowing movements that God causes while praising and worshipping Him with the specially designed scarf.
    Many at New Beginnings Transformation Center have some of these scarves and tell amazing stories of how God is using them for themselves and others.

  2. Amanda you are very good at this 🙂 It looks like a lot of work, but it sure looks beautiful 🙂

  3. I’m crying!! This so touched me this morning. So amazingly beautiful. I love these little videos, keep them coming. It’s so cool how God moves from someone’s living room right through the computer screen into someone’s heart . I’ve got to try one of these some day. Gorgeous. Thank you, Ms. Amanda!!!

  4. Lovely. Just lovely! Beautifully flowing. Thanks for sharing this with us, Amanda and Meghan.

  5. So Beautiful! I love how it wrapped around her! Probably not intended but looks awesome! Good job Amanda!

  6. She is really good at it! I can’t believe she hasn’t done this before! You’re so good!

  7. Well, the part at the end I did intentionally because from my perspective it looked cool, lol! And really ladies, once you get the feel for it, you all could TOTALLY do this. I’m not doing anything crazy special. And honestly, the Lord is using these to minister to ME as much as you. I had NO IDEA I “looked” like this, NO IDEA! I cried and I’m still getting choked up watching the videos and looking at the pictures from this weekend. The point is, we ALL look like “this” to Him. It’s ALL beautiful!!! Not me, ALL of us, ya know?? I would encourage you guys to find a friend with a camera, video or photgraph yourselves, and I guarantee you’ll see what He sees….BEAUTIFUL WORSHIP! I love you guys! You totally bless me 🙂

  8. Wow Amanda! That truly is a fantastic idea to get a friend to photograph or take a video! I guess we all forget what we look like to our father…thanks for reminding me! 🙂

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