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Anointed Feet

Three friends ordered scarves together and each’s story shows how God uniquely touches each of us (as we’ve seen in past scarf stories). This story is pieced together from a number of Facebook interactions 🙂  I know you’ll get to hear at least 1 of the other friend’s stories too.

Just got my scarf and it is called anointed feet !! The scent of heaven oil is called Come dance with me. This is me I always want to be worshiping and dancing with my Jesus !! To be in His presence wrapped in His loving arms and the healing and restoration that comes from being in His presence. I have had several words spoken over me about my feet being anointed to dance and praise and worship !! There is nothing more I love to do !!! I felt the overwhelming presence of God when I opened my scarf and put it on my shoulders and of course got up and started to dance with my scarf. I felt such an over whelming anointing and presence of the Lord and such love from my Jesus !!!

I am soaking in God’s presence right now so i am not taking off this scarf !! I really needed this !! I am crying now !!! God is doing something !!

Just wanted you to know I saw this scarf in the picture you posted (to the left) and thought it was beautiful and I showed my husband and this is the scarf he had picked out for me so I thought you should know that. god is so amazing. I can feel the Lord healing me and restoring me right now and reviving me. I have waited so long to minister in dance again and I believe God is opening that door again. It feels refreshing to come out of the desert. May god breath life into these dry bones and they rise again to dance and praise and honor my God and King. There is a revival coming and the dancers and praisers and worshipers and intercessors were sent out ahead before the battle to do warfare. May I be used for your glory and honor Jesus. you are my every breath and reason for living and I pray i bring honor to your name.

And another note a few days later…

Thank you for this wonderful ministry. I love my scarf and you were right on prophetically with my scarf !!! My lips feel like their is oil on them. I have the scarf draped over my head and God is touching me with His presence !! I have been like this for awhile. LOL !! I need this touch from the Lord. I am not taking it off for awhile just like Moses said i do not want to leave this place if your presence does not go with us !! Love you my sister in the Lord and new found friend !!!

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11 thoughts on “Anointed Feet

  1. Brings tears to my eyes. God is good and knows exactly what we need. Some day it will be my turn. 🙂

  2. All these stories are so amazing…thank you for this ministry…I love this site <3

  3. God is so good. He touches everything in our lives. He brings His love, joy & peace into all that we concecrate to Him. Peace: wholeness, completeness in Jesus with nothing broken & nothing missing. He is so loving. That love causes us to want to be in His presence continually. He even wraps His love around us in a scarf annointed for His purposes.

    May God’s blessings surround you,
    Charlotte Dumka

  4. I love this story and what a beautiful scarf.

  5. Ilove how God always gives His kids what they need at His right Timing:) AMEN PRAISE GOD FOR ALL HIS WORKS:) PRAISE GOD also for this ministry and how it is going to grow and flow with His presence everywhere,in Jesus Name AMEN

  6. I love your testimony Kim!! I love that every time you put it on you feel oil on your lips!! I have to admit that I absolutely adore & love your scarf!! I don’t know what it is about the colors and how it’s patterned but it’s one of my favorites of the many I’ve seen. You can feel the anointing on it. I can’t wait for you to start dancing with them…hopefully one day we can together 🙂

  7. Thank you all for the encouraging comments. You will never know how much i needed this today and God surely did !! His ways are not my ways so much higher. I am learning to trust him daily even when I do not understand circumstances at times when life becomes hard . All I can do is run to you Lord into your open arms of love whee their is healing and comfort. He truly does bind up the broken hearted and heals all their wounds.

  8. Beautiful, beautiful story! I can so relate as God calls me into deeper worship with Him. I felt exactly the same when my scarf was given to me. A precious Holy moment. Be blessed my sister and may your feet never stop dancing and praising Him.

  9. Precious and powerful story! May you dance like David danced:) Amazing how the LORD speaks to us and loves without restriant. He is faithful and He does not ignore us when we REALLY need His touch, although sometimes it seems like He sits in silence with us. His ways and timing. I can relate… I love your declaration at the end, just like Moses. Amen. Blessings~

  10. An amazing work that God has done in you my dear friend. HE isn’t done yet, and I stand amazed at all He HAS done and IS doing as He brings you forth from the ashes!! I love you and I am privilaged to be a part of your life and all that God is doing. You do have DANCING FEET!!! To glory and honor of your God!!

  11. What a great story, reading the story’s of the scarves makes me want to buy so many more. God works in each of our lives in such a powerful way. It is so exciting to see how He moves. I love the picture of you looking up with the scarf over your head, there is such an anointing in the picture.

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