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D4Y/D4Y Art Newsletter

I received another request yesterday from someone asking to be added to my Newletters… so I’m finally creating one!  For those of you on FB (especially those who follow the blog), I’ve given great thought to what I can do to make the Newletters of interest to you and since there will likely be overlap.

Ultimately I’ve decided that running specials for Newsletter recipients is probably the best way… if you have thoughts on this, love to hear them!

So far I’ve populated the list with the emails I have from orders. I’ll give an explanation in my first email to explain why people are getting the email.  Of course unsubscribing will be easy if people want to, but I don’t plan to do more than an average of 1 email a week – and likely it will be less.

The Newletter will be for both Dyed4you and Dyed4you Art since there a lot of overlap in interest 🙂

Blessings to you all – I can’t begin to express my appreciation of your support!

Subscribe to the Newsletter

(if you’re not sure if you’re on the list already or not, sign up again – you won’t end up getting multiple emails or anything so it’s safe!)

7 thoughts on “D4Y/D4Y Art Newsletter

  1. Yaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!! Very excited!! God’s making room & enlarging your “territory”. These will be SO exciting! Are the people you’ve asked to contribute to the blog also contributing to the newsletter!? That would be fun 🙂 Bless you Meghan!

  2. Great news…looking forward to the newletter 🙂

  3. How exciting Meghan, I will be waiting 🙂 Love ya!

  4. Whoo hoo! this is cool and easier to keep track of all that’s happening!

  5. Awesome!!!! Count me in!

  6. This is beautiful, Meghan!

    “The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you” Deut. 28:8. Amen!

  7. Meghan,

    Please count me in on the newsletter! I have just discovered your website from a friend “likeing” you on facebook and I am so excited to see the beautiful scarves and flags you have made! I am just getting started in praise dance–I have been on our dance team at church for about a year and just starting to get confidence in moving with the Holy Spirit! Wish you were a little closer because I may get to minister my first solo in a week and a half and I keep seeing fabric! Clicked on your church link and discovered you are in my hometown of metro St. Louis. (I now live in Atlanta.) Can’t wait to see more testimonies and creations!

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