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Getting the Hell out of my House

Thank you, Meghan for inviting me to share what the LORD has placed on my heart with you and the Dyed4You community. This is NOT the posting I thought I would launch with, but trust the LORD’s timing. This seems like a very intense introduction and I am humbled to share this post, as it feels like it just “broke through” my agenda and ordered plan to share. May these posts serve to encourage and build one another up in love (1 Thes 5:11). 

This posting will be part of a series of posts: Falling at the Feet of Jesus, A Season of Shaking, Sacred Trust, Sharpening my Sword, and Setting the Captives Free! I hope these postings bring encouragement and I trust the Holy Spirit to lead each person individually (Gal 4:6). How precious it is that Messiah Jesus is our PERSONAL savior and speaks directly to our own hearts (John 10:27). How beautiful it is to see Jesus pour out His perfect love and all fear is cast out (1 John 4:18).

Jesus, Help: Getting the hell out of my house!

Hell: noun

Definitions (from

  • the powers of evil, something that causes torment or misery, any place or state of torment or misery, extreme disorder or confusion;
  • chaos, the place or state of punishment of the wicked after death;
  • the abode of evil and condemned spirits

Last year I heard Richard Roberts from “Oral Roberts Ministry” recount a story about when he was a rebellious young man, he told his father, “I wish you would get the hell out of my life.” His father, evangelist Oral Roberts, replied back to his son, “That’s what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to get the hell out of your life!”

More recently, I heard Richard Robert’s wife Lindsay on a “This is the Place for Miracles” broadcast, give a sermon about “Getting the hell out of my box,” which was about getting the presence darkness out of our lives (i.e.., box). A few days ago, in light of personal experiences as an intercessor, I cried out to the LORD to show us how to get the hell out of our homes, too!

What is Going on in My House?

More and more believers recently seem to be attacked in their homes with spiritual warfare and an onslaught of despair, hopelessness, and staggering pain. Is it possible that what remained “dormant” in our homes and hearts is now being activated in order that we are set free from all bondage and will not be hindered to lead others to receive Jesus, as we run with perseverance (Rom 8:15, Heb 12:1)? I sense the LORD is answering us with His strategies for triumph; we are overcomers (1 John 4:4)!!! Be of good cheer because Jesus has overcome the world! (John 16:33)

Seemed Quiet on the Western Front Until…

A couple of nights ago I felt an evil presence between my toddler daughter’s rooms (1 Cor 12:10, Heb 5:14). Commanded evil presence to be bound and rebuked in Jesus’ name (Matt 10:1, Matt 16:19, Mark 16:17). The evil presence was still there but not as intense… What?!  Why is it not leaving?! Does it have a “right” to be here?! My house has been long emptied of anything displeasing to the Lord (More about this in “A Season of Shaking” post). Why does it feel like a messenger from hell has entered my home?! Is this dark presence posturing as if this a “stand off” like in the Old West? Not in my house!  Jesus already triumphed over all authorities and powers of hell (Col 2:15) .

As I glared into the air, with a sense of discernment fully alerted, I did not feel it was a time to go to war… “Submit yourself to the LORD, resist the devil and he will flee” (James 4:7) came to mind… Felt the LORD tell me to start worshiping and praising Him in Word, song, and with the dancing of my D4Y “Flawless” scarf (a.k.a My Love scarf):) YAY!!! I LOVE giving praise to God.

A holy boldness rose up as I spent time with the LORD; I boasted over His majestic presence (Psalm 8:1), King of kings and LORD of Lords (1 Tim 6:15)!!! My God is the LORD of Hosts (Rev 19:16). He is the same God who led the Israelites out of captivity (Isaiah 51:10). The LORD is HUGE–His footstool is the earth (Acts 7:49). Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD (Rom 14:11). Even demons tremble at the name of Jesus (James 2:19). The powers of darkness are ALREADY DEFEATED at the foot of the cross (Col 2:15) and by the Blood of Jesus (1 John 1:7)!! I pictured in my mind the demonic presence about this size of an annoying flea on the ground (Rom 16:20).

I sensed the LORD telling me to go to my older daughter’s room. I entered her room and saw my childhood bear in the corner; my bear that “comforted” me as a child amidst chaos. I knew it was time to throw him away. I also felt the LORD leading me to yet throw away MORE things linked to other chaotic times in my life. I had been throwing out things for over a year! More junk??  Then I remembered that I had other childhood items in my daughter’s closet…

As I went to get the plates on the top shelf, I noticed that there were several forgotten children’s books I bought  years ago… I picked up a book and was shocked to see it was all about of fairy tales and magic stories?! What?! I completely forgot that I had this particular books when we moved… Several books got stacked in the closet, as my daughters have tons of Christian, animal, educational, and nature books scattered about the house.

I took the fairy tale book downstairs and started skimming through it. At first glance it was filled with familiar fairy tales… I sensed the Lord telling me to rip the pages out… It was a huge book, so at first I did not look forward to doing that until I realized the LORD was answering my immediate question and cry from the night before to understand why a demonic presence was allowed to harass me out of sleep through a relentless squealing and harrowing sound from a pig squeeze toy in my room… (More about this in the “Sharpening my Sword” post)

As I was ripping out clusters of pages, I came across a story about a little girl in chaos. She talked to her doll and her doll started talking back to her at night, whispering to her because it was sent to “comfort” her. Counterfeit comfort. This was not a story about dollies that talked together and had tea parties… It was a “magic” doll with “answers.” This story was making my skin crawl… Even the name of the story was bizarre… As I read this unfamiliar and creepy story about a little girl’s possessed doll, I knew this was my answer! Yay God!!!!!!

Disarming the Enemy

The presence of the LORD was very strong as I repented for buying the book even though I had no idea that story was in there… I found other pages with tribal torches and skulls–interesting how that stuff was embedded in old fairy tales. I destroyed the remainder of the book. I commanded any demonic presence in my home to be bound in Jesus’ name and commanded it to go directly to the feet of Jesus for Him to do with as He will (Matt 10:1, Matt 16:19, Mark 16:17). Immediately, I sensed tremendous peace fill my heart and home. We all slept peacefully (Psalm 4:8). Thank You, Jesus, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).

So, What was the Point of Entry?

It seems that as praying the night before and interceding for freedom in Jesus’ Name for people bound in darkness and worshiping the LORD (Isaiah 61), the enemy was counter-attacking and had a right to harass me because of what was hidden away in my home (i.e., fairy tale magic book). I had an unknown “foothold” and hindrance in my home that the LORD and the enemy was aware of (Eph 4:27, Heb 12:1 ).

Now for the Good News

My hope for each of us is to continually seek the LORD and ask Him to show us how to get the hell out of our homes and what we need to destroy and throw out. May the Holy Spirit lead you to forgotten objects, clothing, jewelery, art, books etc around your home, office, and car that need to be destroyed or thrown away because they are associated with a demonic presence or have become an “idol.” Chuck Pierce emphasizes that even some of our clothes may need to be thrown out if they have become “filthy” in a spiritual sense over time (Zec 3:4). At various seasons, it seems that we need to conduct a spiritual inventory of what has been collecting in our homes and hearts that might be giving the enemy a “right” to enter our lives (Eph 4:27).

Ask the LORD if you are to destroy, throw away, or give away items. A good rule of thumb is that if an item has a demonic tie or has an association with personal bondage, destroy it or thrown it away. If there is an object directly tied to the occult, the LORD may instruct you to burn it (Acts 19:19). If it is something in excess, ask the LORD if it is permissible to give it away. (Please see “Resources” at the end for more discussion of cleansing our homes from spiritual darkness).

Is it Worth Our Freedom?

Awhile back, one of the very first things the LORD instructed me to throw away was my collection of pricey looking silk scarves. Several dozen scarves were purchased in Asia from a loved one as a gift and I felt like royalty when I wore them. I sensed the Holy Spirit talking to me about how my self-worth was wrapped up in the appearance of looking lavish. I became really uncomfortable, felt convicted that I had made them a material “idol” of my self-worth, and started to see how I had become unguarded by the blind “power” I gave to the scarves (2 Tim 1:14).

As I picked up my favorite scarf, I told the LORD, “But this is the ONE thing that I have that makes me feel pretty and look professional.” The LORD whispered back in my spirit, “Is it worth your freedom?” Ouch! (Heb 12:6). I repented for creating an idol (Isaiah 44:9). It was really hard at first to break free from wanting to keep them but I began destroying them and then saw on some that I had never worn, had scary stone faces…

The only One who makes me feel truly beautiful is my Creator and my beauty radiates from the inside out (Psalm 139:14). I LOVE that I now sow into a God centered ministry, Dyed4You, and glorify God with His scarves.

My prayer:

Father God, You are King of the Universe. You are our Creator, loving Father, and do not grow weary or tired (Isaiah 40:28, John 16:27). Thank You for Your Son Jesus, who led people out of darkness into light and freedom (Isaiah 61). I pray that the eyes of our hearts are enlightened (Eph 1:18) to what You want us to see and know. For Your love is continually before us and we desire to walk continually in Your truth (Psalm 26:3).

In Jesus’ Name, I bind all demonic forces from hindering and blocking us and loose the Glory Light of Jesus, as we are children of the Most High God (Matt 16:19, Mal 4:2, Psalm 57:2). Thank you for leading your people to see with eyes of discernment anything in their possession that may be opening a door to darkness to enter (Eph 5:8). I pray, Daniel 2:22, “He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.”

Father, please forgive us for having anything in our homes that is dishonoring to you (Deut 5:8). We come before You, Messiah Jesus with repentant hearts and renounce all ties and pacts to anything that is an abomination to You (Isaiah 57:8). Holy Spirit, please quicken our memories of anything that is long forgotten in our minds but is in boxes, shelves, bins, closets, under beds, drawers, baseboards, rooms, sheds, garages, basements, attics, and anywhere else that needs to be destroyed and discarded (John 14:26).

Thank You, Heavenly Father that You LOVE us, have mercy, and always answer us when we cry out to You (Psalm 116:1). Messiah Jesus, You fill us with joy in Your Holy Presence and show us the path of life (Psalm 16:11). May holy boldness come over each of us, as we stare in the face of a defeated foe and take fully authority in Jesus’ Name (Col 2:15). Please dispatch Your Holy angel to encamp around us (Psalm 34:7). Thank You, Jesus that You shut doors no one can open and open doors that no one can shut (Isaiah 22:22). We boldly proclaim over our rooftops: “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD”(Joshua 24:15). Thank You, Abba Father, we bask in Your Holy Light and are filled with joy; we praise Your Holy Name, Messiah Jesus (Psalm 97:11-12).


If you want to learn more about cleansing your home, please consider reading Chuck Pierce’s book, “Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness.” I know there are other wonderful resources from trusted Christian authors, but this is the one that really ministered to me recently after the Lord led me to conduct a spiritual inventory of my home last year. Also, I was greatly ministered to by a prayer by Tony Kemp. He was interviewed recently on the Sid Roth TV show, and talks about the power of praising the Lord on the 5-day radio interview, as well.

In Closing

I pray this posting has encouraged and blessed you. May you continually press into the LORD and trust the promises of His Word. He LOVES you!

Abrazos (Hugs),

16 thoughts on “Getting the Hell out of my House

  1. Melijen SO thrilled to have you sharing on the blog 🙂 I know others will be blessed as well!

    I have had similar experiences as the one you shared here. As Christians so often we take things lightly saying “grace, grace” all the while the enemy is being a legalist and using the areas we’ve been too lazy or too naive to secure to exploit his hold in our lives.

    Getting the hell out of MY house 🙂

    I had an experience about 5 years ago where one night in bed I was suddenly inundated with these tormenting thoughts – and I mean it was a serious onslaught! It took my husband (who was ready to be sleeping – LOL) a moment to realize something was seriously wrong. He began to pray and the Holy Spirit told him they were tormenting spirits. So he commanded them to leave, but nothing happened (this whole time I’m writhing on the bed sobbing hysterically because these things are trying to convince me to kill myself… if you’ve never experienced something like this – I assure you it is incredibly disturbing and you feel like you’re losing your mind).

    Allen asked the Holy Spirit why they weren’t leaving and he highlighted to my husband a trunk that was next to my side of the bed. He asked me what was in it – I said nothing of consequence – I’d been in it during one of my recent Holy Spirit house cleanings and had gotten rid of some nastiness I found… for those of you who don’t know my past, God brought me out of A LOT!

    Anyhow, Allen finally went and looked in the trunk and in there, wrapped carefully in paper to keep it from being damaged, was a ceramic skull I’d bought while in college. The skull wasn’t just a normal skull but one that was created to look as though it’d been smashed open with a hammer on top. On the mouth of the skull was still the remains of a lipstick stain where I’d kissed it on the mouth over a decade earlier while in college.

    We took the skull downstairs and smashed it and Allen again commanded the spirits to leave and immediately they did and peace flooded me. These things are incredibly real… things we write off as PMS or a “normal” argument with our spouse often have a spiritual root. If we’re willing to pause and ASK the Holy Spirit to show us and then USE the authority we’ve been given we can see the SHALOM (peace) in our lives we’re intended to have.

    Holding nothing back

    On another housecleaning the Lord brought something to my attention that I had throughout my house – it was something I viewed as harmless, but it was a perverted image of something that was His (by perverted I mean not a truthful likeness, I don’t mean it in a sexual way). I even had a gold ring I’d paid over $400 for that had this image on it… I trashed everything but when it came to the ring I paused… after all it was a favorite ring and it’d cost so much… we needed money at the time and I considered if I could possibly sell it. Immediately the Lord convicted me – how could I knowingly have gain upon something He was showing me was unholy? If I didn’t believe that His blessing was worth more than a $400 ring there was an even bigger problem! So I disposed of the ring as well.

    There is SUCH freedom in knowing there is literally NOTHING you’d hold back from the Lord. And I believe there is such a blessing that comes with living that way. Think about it, if you had two children – one would hold back from you things YOU’D given them and they were reluctant to obey when you gave them an instruction that challenged them, contrasted with your other child who obeyed without hesitation and so clearly recognized that all they had was a gift from you and therefore held all their possessions with an open hand making all that you’d given them available to you… which child would YOU want to shower with blessings?

    Anyhow – I’ll stop here – LOL, clearly Melijen hit a topic I’m passionate about 😉 I’ve almost written a blog myself in this comment!

    Blessings to you all 🙂

  2. AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! This is awesome!!!. Thank you, dear sister for your obedience. I do have the Chuck Pierce book and have gotten rid of so many things but for 2 weeks my 2.5 year old daughter has been waking up screaming and also much distance in my marriage. I have been standing and decreeing and this is just a confirmation that I have been doing the right thing but that more things need to be purged. I will continue to seek the Lord for guidance. I am excited to receive Meghan’s beautiful masterpieces in the mail. One for myself and daughter. I know that they will also be an aid in our warfare and praise to the most high God. Thank you again for sharing. May the Lord continue to pour out His richest blessings upon you. This has blessed me.

  3. Praise God:) Thank you for sharing this Blog:) JESUS JESUS JESUS

  4. Definitely a blog I’m going to need to read a few times. SO much to chew on, but certainly nudges any Spirit filled Christian to prayerfully take inventory of their homes & lives for the Lord to do some housecleaning. The other thing I think most of us aren’t mindful of are presents that are given to us or our children. I’ve had several times where I’ve had the “Get rid of it NOW” nudge. Thanks for posting this! Very awesome!

  5. VERY good post!!! I’m with Amanda…. I’ll need to read this several times. Lots of Holy Spirit wisdom here & FULL of scripture (the best way to war!). Thank you for challenging me to be even more diligent in what I allow in my home & what I don’t. This is certainly no time to be casual concerning spiritual influences in our lives!! Thank you Melijen & Meghan!

  6. Wow. So much information in this blog. Like Amanda, much to chew on. Good stuff.

  7. Wow! I agree-lots to meditate over. I too am familiar with Chuck Pierce’s book and it is an amazing resource. Everyone should read it.

  8. Oh Man!! I am so excited to see/read this blog post!! The Lord has gathered a group of women in my hometown who have been doing this for a year or so now. First it started with our homes…boy oh boy was some of that warfare! Then, as the Lord leads, he’ll bring people in our path that have us come pray with them through their homes. It’s been an amazing journey. Our senses have been opened up signficantly. Such freedom has been found! Freedom in Jesus! I love how the Lord is confirming so many things that He has us doing through other believers. He’s getting His bride ready! cleaning us out! purifying us! WooHoo!

  9. Thank you for your sharing your testimonies, experiences, and wisdom. So true!!! It greatly encourages me to see other women standing on the Word over their homes and helping others do the same! I am still chewing, too. This message felt like posting a Thanksgiving Feast:) I sense other posts might be more in line with a midnight snack, lunch, dinner… Blessings~

  10. @Melijen: This feast will be more than enough to “tide” us over til snack time, lol. And I didn’t say it in the last post, but thank you for taking the time to find ALL those scripture references & referncing Chuck Pierce’s book. VERY helpful. I’m actually going to print this blog out to keep as a reminder. I have a notebook I keep stuff in not just for me, but for my daughter too as she gets older. Thanks Melijen!

  11. Thank you so much for sharing this information. I hadn’t even read this blog and the Lord has laid it on my heart to go through stuff in my home again. @Amanda is right, lots to chew on. thank yoy again and God Bless you all.

  12. Meghan, thank you for sharing this. I have experienced it first hand in ministry. I’ve had spirits try to torment my children and me at different times. It’s very real – spiritual house cleaning is a MUST!

  13. I couldn’t read this without taking a serious look at my home and the things that are in it. I’ll be prayerfully sitting with Him and listening to His instruction. I want to be in obedience to His leadings on anything that has become a stumbling block…or a hinderance…or replaced His genuine truth, love, or power!

  14. Amen! Our LORD is so good and our faithful Shepherd. Indeed His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a Light unto our path. ~Blessings~

  15. Wow!!! God’s timing is perfect. I had a prayer service at my home to cleanse it and outwardly invite the Holy Spirit to dwell. My spiritual Mom stopped praying (she was walking through my apt and praying and anointing the rooms) she stood in front of my video rack and said remove anything from here that is not Godly. I didn’t hesitate to throw out my favorite sci-fi movies. She told me to pray and ask God to show me what else has to be removed. That happened last Saturday. I came across this entry not by chance. Thank you for posting this.

  16. Extremely good and informative reaing here. Certainly gives tons of insight
    … Thank you for sharing!!!

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