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Other Contributors

So I had a thought the other day that I’ve been praying on and have acted on. There are a number of people who sow into my life through their encouragement and intercession, as a result the Dyed4you community at large is blessed because I pour back out what’s been poured in. The thought I had was to let some of them pour directly to you.

What I mean by that is simply this, I’ve created some logons for a few people and asked them to continually be open to what the Lord would drop into their spirit to share with the Dyed4you community.  So in the future, you may see tidbit posts from people other than just me 🙂 You can always tell who it’s from because under the title of any post (just to the right of the date) it shows the author name.  So some of this nameless faceless support system the Lord’s put in place… is now not entirely nameless 😉

I trust you all will be blessed just as we’re all blessed as many of you have shared scarf stories!  God just keeps growing what He’s doing here… and His plans are always beautiful 🙂

A final note, if you feel you have something to share with the Dyed4you community, I’m always open to hearing and seeking the Lord on how to proceed. So feel free to send an email.

Blessing to you all!  You are such blessings to me 🙂

3 thoughts on “Other Contributors

  1. wow! this is a great idea! can’t wait to see its outcome!

  2. I like this idea. I really love that others are willing to pour into you…and us. 🙂 Thank you.

  3. What a wonderful idea! I can’t wait to read what they share!!

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