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Restored Joy

You may remember in the story Anointed Feet I mentioned that three friends ordered scarves at the same time, this is another one of the friends 🙂 Beautiful how each of them was blessed!

I just wanted to give a testimony after receiving my scarf. After ordering the scarf in July, my father-in-law fell ill. He had Alzheimer’s disease and was also found to have pancreatitis. He was admitted to the hospital on Monday and by Tuesday was in ICU on life support. This lasted for 6 days.

I had lost my mother to bone cancer last July and this became over-whelming for me. I had taken care of mother here at our home with Hospice and she passed away here. I spent everyday at the hospital with dad. It was a rough situation and he failed quickly. On Saturday my husband made the decision to remove the life support and in about 30 mins. he went to be with the Lord. My husband and I were the only family in the room at that time and we watched him take his last breath.

Afterward, I planned and organized the entire funeral for my mother-in-law. It was an exhausting week with little sleep and a lot of tears.

The following week, I feel into a hopelessness that I have never experienced before. I had led dance for about 7 years, changed churches and only worship danced during our worship service, as there was no dance/drama ministry at our church. I couldn’t even worship or praise God, listen to music, or pray. I have never experienced such a dry and desolate place! Having served the Lord for almost 30 years, this was extremely troubling to my soul.

The day that my father-in-law died, my oil and scarf arrived. This is what was written in the letter that came with them:

The name of your silk is Heavenly Pleasures. The colors in it are:

~White representing PURITY

~Light Blue representing HEAVENS

~Pea Green representing PROSPERITY

~Silver shimmer representing FREEDOM

The scripture that goes with this scarf is from Psalm 16:11, “You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forever more”.

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s SHOWER OF BLESSINGS. The scripture that goes with this oil is from Ezekiel 34:26, “And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing”.

The name of the anointing oil in the bottle is “EXPRESSIVE WORSHIP

My testimony is that my spirit didn’t even respond to the scarf or the letter that day. However, a few weeks later whatever had burdened my soul was released and I picked up my scarf, anointed myself with the oil and PRAISE God in the dance before Him!!

With every step I became more free and my joy returned in a double portion!! Days later, a spiritual awakening and revival began at our church! People began to praise God with freedom I have never seen before.

I praise God for this ministry, for God using Meghan’s gifting to touch other’s lives and be the example that she is.

God bless you Meghan! God used you to bring me out of the pit and into praise!!

Love ya sister!!
Anne Piper

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14 thoughts on “Restored Joy

  1. Aww Anne you’re making me cry!!!! :*-) This is so awesome and I’m so incredibly happy for the revial & refreshing that’s not only birthing out of you, but is spilling into your church!! Bless the Lord! You’re going to be dancing in ministry a WHOLE lot more soon, sister! I can see it coming!

    I can’t imagine how hard July must’ve been for you. But our Daddy sure knew what you needed 🙂 Bless you Anne! Love you sister!

  2. That is tremendous! Sometimes I read these testimonies and want to write a response but it’s so hard to find words to describe what the Lord does and how He loves us. This is no different. The Lord is beyond amazing. He is beyond awesome! Lord, it seems not adequate enough to say you are amazing. I know that right now my heart is singing a song that I don’t have words to.
    God how you use our brokenness (not being able to praise) and our obedience (picking up the scarf one day and beginning to praise) to usher in Kingdom miracles! Oh how you are a God of action! Look at what you did! You gave her a double portion of JOY and birthed an awakening at her church. Freedom was birthed through this pain and heartache of your daugther. Just as freedom was birthed through the pain and heartache of your Son. You know I’m not comparing the pain, but only pointing out how you love to work. Taking ashes and turning them into beauty. You are absolutely mesmerizing. The stories that are told about your works transforms me, mesmerizes me and I could sit and listen to them for eternity. Love you, Jesus!

  3. I love that even when our flesh is rendered with the things of this world, He waits to bless us when we then to Him!

  4. What a beautiful testimony. I love how our Father knows what we need and when we need it. I know it must have been very hard dealing with parents dying. I watched my mother die and go to be with the Lord almost 26 years ago and my husbands dad almost 2 years ago. Papa never did leave you and look what is being birthed now, so excited for you Anne. Bless on you and your family. Love in Chirst, Tami

  5. So beautiful how God touches the deepest part of us that no one and nothing else can. And He stirs to life what seems dead. The resurrection power. God is so awesome. Like LJ, words are so inadequate sometimes to express what happens in my heart as I read these scarf stories. I needed this today.

  6. Precious!!!!! Thank you, Father that you never leave us or forsake us. That you make roads in the wilderness and streams in the desert. Dear sister, I am moved to tears by your testimony and so thrilled that those chains that held you for that season are gone. Fire upon your feet and praise on your lips!!!!! Changing the atmosphere with each step. Bless you.

  7. What a beautiful testimony my friend to see God bless you abundantly and bring you into the land of milk and honey and out of the desert. The places god will take your feet as dance before your God and King as praise Him. Being a close friend it has been a hard year for me as a friend to see ou have to go through what you did but as always you did it with grace and elegance even though with your eyes you could not see the path ahead and what God has for you. Praise Him for all He has done. Love you my friend and you are such a Godly example and mentor in my life !!!

  8. Isn’t it awesome that He is already in our tomorrow providing what we need before we get there! Thank you for your testimony Anne – I have been in a dry place myself and hearing your story has encouraged me! <3

  9. I Love this and the scarf is so BEAUTIFUL:) Keep Dancing for Jesus sister:)

  10. Wow! You have inspired me! I have been wanting to get join our church worship team to sing but I always get visions of me dancing and worshipping God. I feel like I am called to be a dancer! I love to dance so I’m going to go for it! Your testimony has triggered that in me and I hope that I too can cause a revival with my dancing! 🙂

  11. Oh my!! Thank you ALL for every word and comment stated here. What an encouragement you brought to ME this morning. When you go through what I did, you feel isolated and broken, having NO idea that others have been in that desolate place! My heart is full and my eyes wet with tears of joy as I read all your comments!! I just don’t have word to express how each of you touch my heart and brought me to a place of understanding as to why the Lord took me to this place and restored my soul for “such a time as this”!!
    I had lost ALL hope and faith of ever leading ministry again in dance. It has been 5 years and I am 56 years old. I reasoned that my season was over! I now see that in GOD ALL things are possible for me also.
    May the Lord’s Spirit richly bless each one of you and this ministry of: Dyed4You!!

  12. Anne, I cautiously and carefully submit to you that I understand the dryness, feeling broken and unused, feeling like you are passively aggressively being restricted to “the box” that everyone else is fitting into….the box that says it’s not “necessary” to “make a “big spectacle” with your worship; the box that says “no, you need to just raise a hand and that’s IT…no dancing, shouting, and all that stuff”. The very box that doesn’t free or liberate us from our bondages, but places a yoke upon our necks and drags us into believing the lukewarm, mediocre, seeker-sensitive way is the only way and places us with heavy chains…it’s like a bird trapped in a cage who only dreams of flying but quickly dismisses it as it slowly looses sight of the open skies and only sees it’s surroundings….A CAGE. But through this, God is merciful, and patient, and loving. He is the cloud by day, and fire by night. He was always with you and always will be. His thoughts and ways are not ours….they’re higher. But you’re coming out of that season being refreshed, restored, and new vision. The caged bird still has wings, and as long as it still has wings, it’s meant to FLY! YOU, Anne, are MEANT to dance…you’re gifted & anointed for it. Who cares if you’re 56. Abraham & Sarah were up in their 90’s when they had Issac. Spread out your wings, Anne, and FLY! Don’t ever allow anyone cage you again…not believers, not leadership, not family, or friends or even yourself. You look up to the hills from where Your help comes from, spread your wings, and start flying!! Feel His wind in your face, His love & Spirit wash all over you, The river of living water pour out of you giving LIFE into others. Your dance will life the veil of deception & complacency, it will break chains and yokes, heal the brokenhearted, and declare a praise upon the earth unto the Lord!! He’s renewed your strength like an eagles, so soar, Anne! Soar to His heights & high places because NOTHING can tower over you or place a shadow on you in His heights except HIM.

  13. This testimony speaks to the very secret places in my soul! Anne, thank you for sharing it. I’m blessed for having read it, and it encourages me. I’ve prayed for you. Blessings!

  14. This testimony is beautiful as well as the scarf. Lord bless.

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