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Scarf & the Potty

This is a fun scarf story from a friend and loyal Dyed4you customer.  She’d bought a 6×24 scarf for her 3 year old daughter and a fun story was birthed. Here it is:

The first thing I noticed was the colors – she loves blue and green, and these were so vibrant – very her!

As she was playing with it, it ended up on the floor near her potty (not as a wipe – LOL – just in proximity!) and I was struck how the color matched her potty. I found it intriguingly odd that her scarf matched her potty. That’s when the Lord began speaking…

Her speech was delayed (2.5 yrs old) and using the potty didn’t come until 2 weeks before her 3rd birthday, and both seemed like insurmountable struggles. Yet when she did learn it was an accelerated learning where as she progressed it was the miraculous hand of God everyday because of the rate of learning despite the fact that process itself had been delayed (many days for speech, and with the potty – it was literally in one day).

He was speaking to me that she is not delayed, she is right on time. That I was to stop comparing her to others (which was difficult because I am a clinical psychologist), and simply to trust her on His time-line. Regardless of what I see or hear – He has her, His hand of guidance is leading her, and He cares about the tiniest details. There is no cry that is insignificant to Him – even crying over a potty. 🙂

The potty is now a representation of a place of intercession 🙂 Because even though she was potty trained literally in one day, after that had happened other issues arose that made pottying uncomfortable for her. And even in those the Lord gave specific wisdom on how to resolve those issue after intercession had occurred.

So the scarf encompassed for me the fact that she is an overcomer (which is even represented by the frog potty since frogs leap!). The name of the scarf being significant (Refreshing Joy) because it reminds me that despite difficulties – joy comes in the morning. When I look at her, I speak joy over her. One of her favorite songs is the Jewish Melody by Julie Meyer – she calls it the “Joy Joy song” 🙂

Although I’d intentionally ordered the small scarf for her to worship Him with (I didn’t want her to trip), I felt like the scarf that I ordered for her was really for me (as encouragement) – and that I am supposed to get her an 11×60 because she hasn’t been given a “Holy Spirit junior” so she doesn’t need a “junior” worship scarf – so I think she’ll be getting her “big girl” scarf for Christmas 🙂

I just want to encourage others, that what may seem like an insurmountable challenge is really just a small beginning to victory 🙂

View 6×24 on Dyed4you

17 thoughts on “Scarf & the Potty

  1. Oh my this one is really special. It gives me many things to think about with my own kids. It definitely gives me pause on a few issues that I need to be interceding more on. It’s even reminded me of the whole comparison issue that I know I shouldn’t do but do even with myself. The last thought is a wonderful perspective too! I think I may have to put that on an index card and post it on my desk!

  2. What a wonderful story, it brought tears of Joy to me. I love how God speaks to you in the little things, because even the little things are just as important to Him has the big things. I loved this part “He was speaking to me that she is not delayed, she is right on time. That I was to stop comparing her to others”. I know this is hard for parents at times. I grew up with this spoken over me as a child and worked very hard not to speak it as my children were growing up. God has made every child special in His own way. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, blessing on you and your family.

  3. How sweet. A GREAT reminder that God is interested in ALL the details of everyone’s life, from the little one’s to the old. I love the colors of this scarf so rich. How loving that this mother would buy her little one a scarf to worship at her tender age of 3. She will be an anointed worshipper for sure!!!

  4. God is so creative in the ways He chooses to speak to us. I often wonder how many things I may have missed because it didn’t seem like something God would do.

  5. How awesome is our God that uses a training potty to teach us?!? I love that the bathroom has become a place of intercession!

  6. I don’t know where to start on how I just love this entire testimony!! God is quite literally in every detail of our lives and it’s so awesome.

    **sidenote:I selfishly would like the Lord to send a “potty training” scarf to me too, lol 🙂 **

  7. for my daughter I mean, lol!

  8. Awww…i love this story! And you’re absolutely right that He cares about the tiniest of details! If it bothers YOU it most definitely bothers HIM! I just love it when He’s the only one who doesn’t make fun of the silly things that we fret over but instead fixes it for us! Thank you Papa! We love u!

  9. I *LOVE* this story! Having had a child who struggled for MONTHS with this particular bit of training, but who other things came easily for, this is a wonderful reminder of how God holds all timing of events and development safely in His careful hands….so we don’t need to fuss if they don’t go according to our plans. What a great reminder! Thank you for sharing!

  10. Thank you, Meghan for your humble spirit and obedience to the Holy Spirit’s leading. May the Lord shine His face upon you. My daughter calls her scarf “Grasshopper” and runs around with it!

    I am so touched and encouraged by everyone’s comments. I received so much more than I could ever give:) Thank you so much for all of your comments.

    Father God, I pray: Ephesians 3:20 (KJV)

    “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”

    over each women on this Blog. Jesus, out of your unfailing love for these precious women, I ask for reassurance that You are hear and are answering our prayers from the tiniest of concerns that blip across our minds to the seemingly burdensome and heavy battleship-size burdens take up space and ache in our hearts. Father, may we see Your hand answering our prayers and our eyes be opened to the blooming of the budding of the miraculous in our lives. [I am picturing staring at a flower bud, waiting for it to bloom… It might seem like it takes forever to open but the blooming is extremely slow and work is being done even though it looks like nothing is happening on the outside until one day we notice it has opened!]. Thank you, Father, for giving us hope in You and Your word will never return void. May we write, Your love and faithfulness on our hearts.

    May we all cast every care at your feet and I ask for help to do that, as it is not easy at times to release our cares. Thank you that you carry us close to your heart, as The Good Shepherd. Thank You, Abba for your unfailing love and faithfulness that as we draw to you, you to us. I praise You that there is nothing impossible for you and as your servant cries out, You, Yeshua are willing. For “our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 124:8). Amen.

  11. I didn’t comment on this blog, but felt your prayer was for me too when I read it. Thank you.

  12. Oh, how sweet! I absolutely love this story. The prayer feels like it was just for me…in this moment…for this time. I am blessed. Thank you!

  13. Thank you Melijen. Wow what a wonderful prayer. I needed this. You have ministered to me greatly.

  14. I love everything about this story…the colors, the timing (granddaughter of mine is in the midst of being potty-trained), the actual testimony. How wonderful that the Lord used this to encourage the mom and use the entire scenario for His glory! He is to be greatly praised in all things!!

  15. Thank you Melijen for your beautiful prayer! You are amazing! 🙂

  16. Wow! I am so touched and blessed, once again, by all of your words of encouragement and kindness. What a Mighty God we serve, He dwells in our midst. Thank you, so much. May the peace of the Lord rest upon you and blanket your homes. 🙂

  17. Praise be to God, praise be to Him the most Holy, who was and is and yet to come!!!! This story so ministered to me!!! I am so excited for you and your daughter. Yes, His timing is perfect. His ways higher than our ways. A God of transformation and acceleration. So amazing. I too have a 2.5 year old daughter who I am actually trying to potty train at the moment. This story inspired me to just wait….be patient. There is no hurry…for ANYTHING for that matter. He knows the end from the beginning and He’s got us in the palm of His hand. Thank you, thank you for sharing this . May His mighty hand continue to uphold you and your family and may His banner over you be love.

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