God amazes me with each story He writes using these silks 🙂 Before I share Kim’s story, I have to tell you my part of her story!
Kim shared the few pieces of the puzzle God had given her about her scarf when she ordered and immediately God told me which style to make – a modified version of The Violent Take it By Force.
I had made “Kim’s” scarf and had finished the letter that went with it, had it photographed and all set to go, but every time I got ready to package and send I got a check. It was almost like I knew it was the wrong one and yet I also knew it was right?! So I did something I don’t like doing… I let it sit while I waited for whatever was next.
Several days later, I got a call from a faithful customer and friend who was heading to a conference that weekend and had suddenly felt led to buy an 11×60 scarf for one of the leaders (same size Kim had ordered). Then she said, “I know this may sound strange, but I keep getting the verse about the violent taking it by force – does that mean anything to you?” LOL!
I told her I had one dyed and ready and I mailed it right off. In the mean time I sent a picture of it to my friend – it matched the website of the conference! LOL – God never ceases to amaze me… truly!
So then I dyed a new one for Kim knowing that unlike the first one (which had had a good amount of white) that Kim’s was to be very saturated in color. So with that beginning – Kim tells the rest of the story in her own words 🙂
Jesus continues to rock my socks off with this precious scarf! His timing is everything! I had shared with you (Meghan) when I ordered my scarf, that I felt that the Lord had me and my family in totally unfamiliar territory. A new land to go through with new blessings and battles and I would be kidding you if I said I was a happy camper. I had full confidence in the power of the Lord’s hand in my life, but little confidence in myself. I find it very easy to have unshakable faith for just about everybody with one exception . . . me.
A few days after I placed the order, the Lord drew me to scripture after scripture reminding me that HE is on my side and let me tell you there are a lot of them!!!! The abundance of reminders not only brought me a few laughs at the sheer volume of “the Lord is on your side” verses, but during a time of prayer my attitude slowly started to change. Not only is He on my side, but at my side and with that revelation my fear finally began to crumble to be replaced by a quiet confidence of the Jesus kind! 2 Corinthians 12:9 baby!!!! His strength will ALWAYS be perfected in my wretched weakness. I think Eugene Peterson in The Message puts it best:
“Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty! At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me,
My grace is enough; it’s all you need.
My strength comes into its own in your weakness.
Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7-10
The day I received my scarf I didn’t have an opportunity to open it until late at night. I opened the envelope and eagerly inhaled the the scent of the scarf. I laughed till I had to sit down and thought “This is how much my Jesus love me!” The scarf smelled EXACTLY like the candles I burn every night in my house. My candles are a dead ringer for The Warrior anointing oil. I love it when Jesus uses the power of scent to show me I am on the right path!
I took out the scarf and laid it out on my bed and took a step back to smile and thank the Lord for being persistent and faithful to me. The colors of the scarf reflected the colors in every single scarf I have ever received as a gift! I had a prayerfully knitted shawl that a group of beautiful ladies from my childhood church blessed me with when I had my son on the back of a chair next to me and I picked it up and laid it next to my new scarf and they looked like they were related! I had a “Doh” moment when I realized God really wanted me to understand what these colors meant. I already knew these things in my head, but now I was having a revelation in my gut :).
A few days later as I was getting ready to pray before I fell asleep, I absently ran my hands over the scarf and God started talking. He told my to take the scarf and tie it around my left wrist and leave it there till morning. I bubbled with questions . . . Why my wrist? Why on the left? Why not during the day? His voice again broke through my questions and repeated the instruction. So I did it. I laid back on my pillow and waited.
Slowly I began to feel more and more at peace, and filled with an easy confidence. He spoke again, explaining that this scarf was symbolic of the sword of the spirit (as confirmed in your letter). He said that I carry my sword in my left hand (I am right handed) because it is my weaker hand therefore His strength can be perfected in my weakness. Zinged by 2 Corinthians 12:9 yet again!!!!
I began to understand that without His terrifically rad awesomeness my sword of the spirit, aka word of God (Ephesians 6:17), is about effective as a paperweight. What an incredible reminder! My husband thinks I am a bit nutty, but I have continued to put the scarf around my wrist every night :).
Meghan, may the Lord bless you in ways that are magnificent beyond our comprehension! Your obedience and willingness to be a vessel for Him is a testimony to your super amazing beautiful heart! Thank you not only for my scarf, but for all the stuff in between. May Jesus continually bless your hands to complete the ministry He has called you to!
View 11×60 on Dyed4you
What a beautiful story! My favorite parts of each story will always be when the Lord speaks to you, Meghan, and to the one receiving the lovely scarf. He is always faithful in that, and I find that to be so encouraging and sweet. Praise the Lord that He is faithful!
Awesome testimony and reminder that it is all about God anyway and not about us.
Incredible story. Love how God works individually in our lives. Just goes to show that He is a very personal God who loves us and wants the best for us! 🙂 So thankful for the encouragement each story brings! Thanks for sharing.
I stand in awe and wonder of how huge the Lord Almighty truly is. Down to such a minute detail. What a precious story. Filled with encouragement and love as His beauty seeps into every crevice of our lives. Thank you for sharing.
Love this! How awesome that you were willing to listen and be obedient to the direction even though it didn’t “make sense”…It’s so cool when we get to see the results of our trust and listening blossom. God is good!
beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing with us all, it is a wonderful reminder that our Heavenly Father is so faithful and loving. Blessings
Love it.
I am so blessed to be recieving a scraf of this color in a differnent size…I won it! Thanks so much I truely am blessed! Thanks for sharing your story…you are truely blessed too.
I love your story. It amazes me how our Father works with each one of us! How he pays attention to every detail in our lives! As I’ve read your testimony I’m getting a supernatural scent and I’m trying to sniff in real hard to figure what it is! Trust God to use one of my weakest senses to get me to pay attention! 🙂
I’ve even tried sniffing things around my office to figure its source! I’m glad no one’s watching me! hahaha!
I truly love the way He uses our weaknesses and makes them our strengths! Praise you Father!
Hello-you know my daughter received a scarf for praise dance in the 5th grade, her’s was for peace and a few other things however I have always remembered that and when I feel upset and/ or frustrated I take the scarf and pray with it and I always feel a sense of peace. I have found her sleeping with the scarf. It has been a blessing to her and our family. I thank God for giving you this gift of creating such a tangible item that can bless so many.
What a beautiful testimony ❤️❤️❤️