My friend Gloria came by and I wanted some new shots for the Dyed4you site – so since she was still looking prettied up for church, I got her in front of the camera – just thought you guys would enjoy 🙂
You’ve seen pics of Gloria before back when she was still straightening her hair… she’s all over the Dyed4you site. Because she “gets” the scarves, she’s a great one to model them because she’s not just modeling… 🙂
Elegant, stunning, breathtaking, and beautiful. Meghan and Gloria, photos and the scarves, and praising and lifting up the LORD. When Gloria dances with the purple one, I sense a wave of exhortation; like being encouraged as the onlooker. What is its name? Awesome!!!
And is the yellow-toned one “All Encompassing Glory?” It radiates around her much the way I envision the presence of the LORD, as we call upon His name, Yeshua, to deliver us and plant our feet on solid ground. Outstanding:)
Beautiful as always, Meghan & Gloria!!! I’m partial to the dancing ones & Gloria, you look so carefree & elegant 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
You are all so sweet! I had a blast! No one takes pictures like Meghan! I was laughing the whole time! By the way, Amanda, I was totally trying to dance like YOU!
Girl, please, lol!! You did YOUR thing to praise & glorify Him and it made me want to dance with you! It was beautiful!! I love the green tongue, lol!! 😉
I see complete FREEDOM in these photos and I LOVE IT!! PRAISE GOD FOR YOU LADIES
I love that last comment! God is ALWAYS freeing us of stuff but we have times when we notice it A LOT! THIS is one of those times for me. God is moving in EVERY aspect of my life at the SAME TIME and I’m so thankful that Meghan has captured it!
Aww GLoria that’s so awesome!! You should let Meghan photograph you dancing more often because it’s beautiful!
@Amanda – amen! I tried to get her to go to the park for some real pics, but not this time…
Well, maybe when the leaves start turning, the fields look “fall” like…can you imagine the pics down by the river where we saw those baby deer? Beautiful!! It would be kinda fun if some of your friends would be willing to have like a “praise party”/photograph session with the different silks you have. It would be really cool to see all the tools in action in one photo. Nothing like seeing His warriors get together and praise His name. 🙂 Plus it would just be fun, lol 😉
Beuatiful picture!
@Amanda, i think your idea is awesome!!!
Lovely captures of a very lovely woman. I can tell that she “gets the scarves,” as you so put it. 🙂 You can see it in every photo.
Amanda, I love that idea! Sounds like hard work putting something like that with everyone’s schedule and all!
@Gloria: Maybe they’d come to an after church picnic at the park, lol. No one ever turns down good homecookin’!! At least I don’t, lol 😉 So who’s bringing the greens!?!?!? 😀
@ Amanda E: Gonna have to book my flight ticket for this gathering!!
@ Gloria: You are simply awesome and your daughter is tremdously gifted as well!
Just had another thought…Meghan…its just so amazing how your ministry has united complete strangers around the world! Its like I know all these amazing women since ages! So blessed to be part of this group! 🙂
@Amanda C – I know! Isn’t it cool 🙂 I LOVE the Dyed4you community!!!