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All Encompassing Glory Voi

If you’re tired of seeing voi – don’t watch this 🙂 It’s just another video of me with a pair of voi – these are called All Encompassing Glory. 

The song is Misty Edwards live from the prayer room in IHOP-KC and the whole prophetic song is amazing, check it out here (and thank you Tiffany for pointing me to it!) 🙂

View voi on Dyed4you

13 thoughts on “All Encompassing Glory Voi

  1. Flows so beautifully. Love to see others worship God with the scarves. Lots of times the peace of God is released and many can just relax, rest in the arms of God through worship.
    To any storm I say: PEACE! Be still.

    May God’s blessings surround you,
    Charlotte Dumka

  2. Meghan I will never get tired of watching you or anyone else worshiping the Lord. It was just beautiful, I felt peace and his presence as I watched the video. I love Mistry Edwards. Blessing to you and your family.


  3. Amen! I agree with Charlotte & Tami this video definately ministers peace to me. Color ministers to me and color in motion speaks powerfully to my soul and spirit!

  4. Beautiful, draws me to the Throne. I love the colors. There was definitely peace released through this. Ahhh….It is well with my soul.

  5. Are those MINE??? I hope so I am so excited !! I can’t wait ! They are beautiful and AWESOME! They are going to be a blessing ! U did a great job !

  6. @Donna – Yep! These are yours 🙂 I was very pleased with them too so I’m SO glad you like them!!!

  7. They are beautiful !! May you worship and go deeper in the presence of God and become closer than ever to your God and King.

  8. Beautiful Meghan.
    Technical question: How come through the video you could see the voi kindof in an unfolded flow but then at the very very end it tightened up and looked more like a streamer? Is that the speed of the twirl?
    You will get me scarf educated yet. LOL :S

  9. @Donelda – It’s actually all about airflow. Sometimes the air doesn’t catch the silk in a way that billows it as well as we’d like. To help assist it, we tie a small knot in the opposite corner on the same end as where it’s tied to the weight. But sometimes if you change directions or catch the air wrong it will not open like you’d want it to. I do find slower can help it open more, but not always. One of the things that can be frustrating when you’re using two is if one is billowing and one is not. I usually just reshoot the video when that happens 😉

  10. Aahh! The secret is out! You all make it look easy with those voi! They truly are beautiful!! I love all the worship videos you post. I get to peek into His throne room and watch His princesses worshipping their King. 🙂

  11. I love watching these. They are so awesome.

  12. love it!

  13. u really are so good with these!

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