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This is just a short scarf story about a scarf I made in May called Fertile. When I made the scarf I asked the purchaser (who was giving it as a gift) if she knew if the recipient was trying to get pregnant because it was what I sensed God showing me, but she didn’t know.

After she gave the gift to the woman she found out that they HAD been trying to get pregnant, but hadn’t been successful.  It was encouraging though for me to hear that what I’d been sensing was on target, so I believed God would be faithful 🙂

Yesterday, I got word that she is now 17 weeks along (due in March), which means she got pregnant within a week or two of receiving the scarf! What she told her friend who’d gotten it for her was “the scarf worked!”

God amazes me. 🙂

Just to be clear, these scarves are not magic talismans or anything… but it is a joy and an honor for Dyed4you to get to agree with the plans the LORD has in someone’s life and see those plans come to fruition!

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12 thoughts on “Fertile

  1. Love it! Such a sweet story.

  2. What a precious Testimony!!! It is so overwhelming when the Lord honors the prayers of the beloved in such a tangible way so as to totally show to everyone involved that God desires to answer our every prayer of faith! The woman who ordered the scarf for her friend had faith that as you prayed about the scarf that God would tell you what her friends needs were. And you being faithful that what God told you was truly the need of the recipient of the scarf. What a wonderful God we serve!!! I am so thankful for you Meghan! Praise God that the baby will be born full of the Holy Spirit of God meant and created and sanctified for the purposes of God from before he was formed in the womb!!! Praise God!!!

  3. Wooooooo!!!! Such a brilliant story of truly how NOTHING is too big or impossible for God. On a personal note….this is another confirmation…piece of the puzzle …God is weaving together for me. OVERJOYED!!!!!!! Thank you, Father for the sweet little miracle that you are forming in this precious lady’s womb. Bless and keep this child and parents all of their days. Amen!!! Thanks for re posting this, Meghan. Needed this one today!!! 🙂

  4. Oh my gosh. I just now see a baby wrapped in cloth in the photo of the scarf!!! Amazing!!!

  5. WooHoo!!!! God is so good. How exciting to be used and see the fruition of His blessings! Amazing and Awesome and Beautiful and Incredible and … and…and… Yay God!!!!

  6. Awesome testimony!!! God is so amazing.. He shared with you what had already knew that was going to come to her. Babies are such a precious gift from our Heavenly Father. I pray blessing over her family.

  7. LoL… Too funny. I love that God is working even when we’re just not sure.

  8. How AWESOME is our GOD!! and you are His faithful servant!! Blessings

  9. Makes me teary thinking about what we went through getting pregnant with my daughter :*-) God IS and always will be faithful to His Word. Such a blessing to know they are going to receive the promised blessing and inheritance from the Lord soon!

  10. How great is our God, what a wonderful testimony.

  11. Aww….hahaha I love that way she said “the scarf worked”! i also like your side note Meghan! hehehe!

    Oh! Our God is a faithful GOD!! Whoo Hoo!

  12. Wonderful story. Really shows that God does answer our prayers. He is always listening to those who believe and trust in him.

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