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Amanda E’s 1st “in public” Dance

Amanda E was asked to dance at her parent’s church’s Christmas Eve service.  Her folks blessed her by buying her an 8mm semicircle wing (altered size because of the size of the area she had to dance) to dance with.  They left me to create as the Lord led and I created a slightly altered version of Anointed Feet. After her dance, people kept asking how she’d gotten a wing to match the sanctuary!

Many were moved by her dance and one woman said it prompted her to rededicate her life to the Lord! It’s beautiful to see how the Lord woos His people 🙂  People couldn’t believe it was her first time doing this in public – yay!!!

Here’s the video – her dad is the one playing the sax 🙂

View semicircle / sewing services on Dyed4you

11 thoughts on “Amanda E’s 1st “in public” Dance

  1. Amanda I cry when I watch this you are dancing and worshiping with healing on HIS wings and you bring the very presence of angels who touch those who are hurting to heal their brokenness and it is the anointing that breaks the yoke. Those who are lost will be found, those who hve been searching will fing God and those who are broken will be healed. You are anointed and your feet bring healing and deliverance with each movement and as your leap and bow before the throne room of grace freedom will come to the captives. Broken hearts are mended in the presence of a Holy God. I see healing and unity as you worship with your father what a blessing to see you ministering together. Bless you my friend.

  2. I am so proud of you!!!!!! Such a glorious way to honor our King. This shall be the first of now a lifetime of “public” appearances. You have been anointed to do this, sweet woman of God. With each step you are taking territory for the kingdom. Such a beautiful testimony of how when you step out of a comfort zone, others are touched , restored and healed. We never know what is on the other side of our obedience. Bless you, my friend. Well done!!! xo

  3. I love to watch people dance for our Lord and King! It touches my heart! Amanda keep it up, it pleases Him that you use your talent for His glory!

  4. I am so proud of my daughter. When my Associate Minister Coleen asked if Amanda could perform to the music that her father was going to play on Christmas Eve, I told her yes. I hadn’t even talked with Amanda but knew she would do it.

    I contacted Meghan to do a smaller version of the wing as our sanctuary is not very large. I also told her to let the Lord speak to her on the color(s) she was to use.

    Wow! that is all I can say. I is beautiful. Amanda is right, it matched our sanctuary perfectly. People thought she had told Meghan the color of our sanctuary but we did not. It was all the Lord. Praise God!

    My church is a older congregation and so liturgical dance is not something that they really like, but on Christmas Eve, the Lord blessed the congregation with such a beautiful performance that it changed the minds of the older people. I could hear people sniffeling during the performance and one gentleman that always put up a big fuss about having liturgical dance came up to me afterwards and was crying.

    He said that was the most beautiful thing he had ever watched and how the Lords spoke to him during the performance. The Lord told him that He speaks to people in different ways and for Amanda to express her love and devotion to Him is through liturgical dance. Many of the other members of the church were very moved by her that night.

    Her family is very very proud of her. I am so happy she has found her way to express her love for our Heavenly Father through her liturgical dance as I have found through my music. Amanda, we love you and are so proud of you. May the blessing of God always be with you and your family. Love you!!!!!!!!!

  5. I am overcome and as I read Brenda’s comment I heard “It’s the wind of change” and “it is the annointing that breaks the yoke!” So excited to see and hear how you will continute to be used, Amanda! So exciting!

  6. Amanda, I just love this. You are beautiful as you dance for your Lord and Savior. I love hearing how it touched so many people. God is so awesome!!! Bless you dear.

  7. WOW! Yay God! Keep holding His hand of trust and go forward. Preach the Good News to those low in spirit and downcast and discarded with upsweeps and gusts of wind; soar and swoop; spin and twirl–Abba Father has you, AmE. This is love in action; not in word or tongue but in deed and action. Praise to Messiah Jesus, anointed those precious feet of yours. Preachin’ feet. Dance like David danced and then some.

  8. Amanda, I started crying reading what your mom wrote above! 🙂 What joy to step out in obedience, outside of your comfort zone, and see God move through your movements! Jesus would say that your love for Him is wonderful! I am sure you melted His heart while you were dancing the night before with your “frozen chicken nugget toes” outside. He honors your sacrifice of praise and has done wonderful things with it! It is a huge difference to know about God versus love and know our Lord intimately (which I know you know,) but I believe that by your deep adoration of Him through your dancing, others will come to know and love Him too!

  9. Christine, I did too. Not until this year and especially the last 6 months have my mom and i come into a season of full reconciliation God’s faithful!!!

  10. How beautiful! I just discovered this site on FaceBook today, and the video made me cry also! My niece and I did a duet to Breath Of Heaven for the first time together for a Christmas Eve service this year at a friend’s church, and there were people in attendance who had never experienced liturgical dance. They approached me afterward and said how much it moved them. I have been dancing for years and it always blesses me to be able to introduce that worship form to those who have never seen it. Keep dancing for the Lover of your soul, Amanda!

  11. this is what shalom means to me! thank you Meghan an Amanda!
    Amanda, may the Lord bless your mum with more wisdom and understanding in knowledge of goodness of the Lord than she ever can imagine to ask in Jesus name!

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