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Confirmation & Comfort

Beautiful testimony and another scarf story of confirmation. This is pieced together from a couple email interactions:

My scarf was purchased for me by my spiritual mom at church. The name of my scarf is Hungry. It is right on target! I cry out to God and I just ask him for more of his guidance, mercy, love, and compassion! I tell him I never want to feel like I have lost Him!

My son is 9 and for 2 years he battled Leukemia and I got mad at God and fell completely away from him. My son’s Leukemia came back and we spent all summer in San Antonio for his Bone Marrow Transplant. The first one didn’t take and he had to have another one that the doctors said was less likely to be compatible.

My hope was gone, I was crushed and couldn’t go on fighting alone anymore. I asked God to forgive me for turning against him and told him if he took my son I wouldn’t like it but I knew that if it was his will he had a reason.

Then one night we were singing praise and worship and while I was on stage this amazing peace came over me. I knew it was God telling me it was gonna be ok! A week later we found out the transplant took! GOD HEALED MY SON!! He is cancer free, back home, and getting stronger! My God Is An Awesome God!

I have grown so much in the last few months and God has blessed me over and over again! He used my son’s illness to draw me close to him and minister to others. He has honestly taken my faith to another level! Through him all things are possible!

When I wear mine I feel such peace! Mine was talking about the dry season passing and new life springing forth. Your ministry is truly amazing! God had to have led you to make mine because no one knows how dry the season was that I am coming out of! All I can say is WOW! You do not know me and God showed you just what I needed to hear! Thank you!

I also carry my scarf everywhere I go. I feel comforted when it is with me!

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9 thoughts on “Confirmation & Comfort

  1. That’s simply amazing!! Wow!

  2. (my iPod sent the comment before I finished!)
    God never ceases to amaze me and how He chooses to minister to His children. Glory to Gid! Thank you for sharing your testimony. I am so blessed by it.

  3. His goodness never ceases! This story just caused a wave of it to overwhelm me! Praise Him! Praise Him!

  4. This is such a beautiful story and God’s love is amazing !! What a mighty God we serve and healing love towards us. May God continue to draw you closer and use you to minster to others.

  5. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Great Physician. Miracles are still being performed and Connor is an amazing testimony to that! The Doctors only gave his second transplant a 5% chance of taking. They basically told us if it didn’t take he would get sicker and sicker until we lost him. God said he is 100% HEALED! The doctors were great but GOD is the one who healed him! I know longer pray for someones healing timidly saying Lord, if you can please heal them. NO! I pray You took 39 stripes for their healing! We thank you for their healing and in Jesus name the affliction is gone! He has given me that kind of faith. The kind of faith that I know if I ask it in his name, He will provide it. We don’t accept the junk the devil throws at us! Just because satan wraps the present doesn’t mean we have to accept it! I rebuke a relapse in Jesus name! I wish I could post before and after pics of Connor for you guys so you could see what a miracle looks like! 3> Amy

  6. oops (((<3)) my heart was backwards!

  7. Amy, I agree! I stand in agreement that your dry season is over and that God is going to rain down His favor, anointing and gifts upon you! You will be able to minister that comfort and encouragement to others because you have seen Him work miracles. Praise God for the faith He has placed in you to see others healed and delivered! We have such a mighty God!!! Praising Him with you! 🙂

  8. Wow! What a beautiful testimony. Our God is a awesome God. Sometimes we do feel alone, but he never leaves us. He picks us up and carrys us when we are weak. We Praise you Lord for all that you are doing in our lifes.

  9. Wow, Jesus! I am in awe of You. Demons tremble at Your Name. We rejoice that our names are written in heaven. Amy, you believe His Word and act on it. Great is your Faith and authority. Keep locking eyes with Messiah Jesus. May He continually exceed your expectations as you walk with Him and fill you with His presence–drowning out all sorrow and placing a shofar with the sound of triumph in your heart. Amen.

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