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Abiding Joy Wing/Voi Combo

This is a voi (veiled poi) that was upsized to a semicircle and has a wing seam added. In this video I start with the voi and then you see the wing. This is an altered version of the previous style of Abiding Joy.

Music is Will Stern’s title track from “You are Holy” – available on iTunes 🙂

View voi / semicircle / wing seam on Dyed4you

7 thoughts on “Abiding Joy Wing/Voi Combo

  1. I love it! Thanks for adding the fuchsia. It really “pops” out when it’s used either way. I can’t wait to try it out! My house is so small that I might have to go out in the snow. 🙂

  2. Gorgeous wing! And Helen, it’s FUN to go out in the snow with these, lol 😉

  3. Meghan it is just beautiful !! Helen have fun !!

  4. I LOVE the look on your face – ha – makes me giggle

  5. Captivating.

    I got so caught up in the movement of the flags I forgot I was sitting at a computer ~ and for awhile I did not even see you, Meghan ~ just the flags and worship. Mmmmmmmmm!, taking a deep drink ~

  6. How do I begin? Reading posts, selecting different versions, enjoying the scarf stories…but oh so exhausted, so tired, but getting little glimpses of words, visions, spoken over my life so many years ago. Still none of the scarves spoke to me. I kept watching, reading and thinking…I know that worship, I remember that…more, more and with dancing and bowing and reaching and kneeling and warfare or praise or adoration or abandonment of self or…? Then it was the large semi-circle with the wing ‘flap’ (casing) that caught me. It reminded me of the lace table cloth (crocheted) that my daughter brought me back from her mission trip in Africa….when I opened it it was folded in a semi-circle and I thought it was a shawl from the beginning! When I put it on later she asked me why I was wearing a table cloth!! I said I don’t care, I love it! Some time later, months or years I don’t remember, at church during worship I began to dance with it and praise and worship and warfare and reckless abandon came forth and many other things I may not recall. At the present moment I would like to just crawl in a clump under His wing and stay there forever. Repentance and complete dependance in Him. Thank you for quietly ministering to me while just demonstrating your lovely scarves. Be Blessed loved ones. tm taylor

  7. @TinaMarie – I am so glad you were blessed 🙂 I know I have lots on the site. It’s easy to get sucked in digging through it all. It blesses me greatly to hear when it ministers, so thank you for telling me!

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