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Surprise Pillowcases

I love to get to be part of blessing someone – so when I got an email from Amanda E that she felt God prompted her to get a pair of pillowcases for a mutual friend, I was thrilled! Here’s her initial response:

The pillowcases are beautiful and the word with with them is so spot on and precious to me. I love the anointing oil one heart because it is literally what god has done in my marriage with my husband and it is truly been a miracle and now God is healing my family and bringing us closer than ever.

I am in tears right now tears of joy and healing and I am overcome by God’s presence and Holy Spirit. How can i express how touched I am that someone would do this for me. I love you MY FRIEND AMANDA.

Here’s the longer story we got from Kimberly a little later:

I am overwhelmed by God’s love for my husband and I and healing power. We were blessed today with a gift from our friend Amanda E.  The name of our silk is Godly Honor. The colors in it our pillowcases are:

  • cream representing sweet aroma
  • soft gold representing mercy
  • peach representing contrite heart
  • wisteria representing intimacy
  • sand representing steadfastness
  • light olive representing peace

The scripture 1 Peter 3: 1-4, 7. The pillowcases were anointed with Scent of Heaven One Heart oil. When I opened my white package I was overwhelmed with the beautiful scent of anointing oil and the sweet presence of God.

My husband and I have been going through healing and restoration in our marriage. God has truly made us one in our marriage. We have been married for almost 27 years this April. He is my beloved and strength, help mate, friend, in good times and hard times. God is not only healing us but our whole family is experiencing this.

I have been feeling the presence of God so strongly since I opened my silk. My husband Bob was so touched by this gift to us and we love the pillowcases and they match my bedroom perfectly and no one knew my colors of our bedroom. God is so good.

Amanda, God is going to restore everything the canker worm has tried to eat and destroy in your life and marriage. Look to God your healer and deliverer because everything in your marriage and life will be restored and renewed. What a beautiful act of kindness from a friend who is very precious to us thank you, Amanda.

…I am still overwhelmed and feeling the presence of the Lord !! What a wonderful gift to receive. I love when God blesses us unexpectedly.

View Pillowcases

7 thoughts on “Surprise Pillowcases

  1. Love how the pillowcases match your bedroom. God thinks of everything. 😀

  2. Amen Donelda!! God is color-coordinated!!! 🙂

  3. So blessed to hear about God healing marriages. And the part at the end for Amanda! Restoration seems to be the theme for the beginning of this year! Love seeing and hearing what God is doing in others lives! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. These are just awesome and the visual remembrance of what He has and is doing in the relationship is priceless!

  5. I love how it’s matching, anointed pillowcases for a married couple! Can’t quite put my thoughts into words on this one, but I expected wonderful blessings in this marriage. God is so good!!

  6. ‘expect’ not ‘expected’ (lol)

  7. What a beautiful story. Your pillow cases are just lovely, what a wonderful gift. God bless you and your husband.

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