Since I posted a blooper of Amanda, I thought it only fair to share this classic blooper of myself 🙂 This is a the Abiding Joy wing/voi.
Oh and no worries, it didn’t hurt – not saying they never do – but I do pad my weights which helps a LOT!
Music is Will Stern’s title track from “You are Holy” – available on iTunes 🙂
View voi / semicircle / wing seam on Dyed4you
LOL it really IS full of joy! 🙂
It’s good to laugh at ourselves every once in awhile! 😀 Thanks for sharing. ;P
You made my day !! Your laugh is beautiful !!! So pretty the colors !!
Yes your laugh is beautiful … just like you. 😀
LOL! I wish I had video of my whack to the forehead when I finally got the hang of a two-flag move that I had been struggling to learn. No sooner did I shout “Look! I got it!!” than I “got it” alright!! I had a green bruise straight across my forehead for a week! That was the absolute funniest!!
Do you have pics of the flags that you make? Haven’t had a chance to browse your site totally yet., but I love what I’ve seen so far… =:)
LOL, I just love you laugh!!! It makes me smile and feel all happy 🙂
LOL Too funny… My daughter and I loved it.
Love it!!! Totally something that I would do!! Enjoyed listening to your laugh and laughing with you! 🙂
OH MY GOSH!!! HAHAHA you are hilarious!! I miss you and that laugh of yours! And Will and I are so impressed with how beautiful that is! I love how you can’t see the handle! LOVE IT!
Voi weight + forehead = ouch! Glad it didn’t hurt too much & you could laugh it off 🙂