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Wall Hanging

Tami found another great way to display her 35×84 scarf – as a wall hanging!  And since the clips simply grab the edge of the silk and no sewing was required, she can still take it down to wear it when she wants to 🙂

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3 thoughts on “Wall Hanging

  1. Oh Tami, that’ a really great idea! It looks really beautiful 🙂 I wondered how you hung it up but I can see the clips. Thats genius, I love it! 🙂

  2. @Amanda, Wal-Mart sells these rings to go over the rod and they have very tiny clips. They are the neatest little things. It is so cool becuase you don’t have to sew a seam ot anything 🙂 It turned out so nice!!!! and looks just beautiful 🙂

  3. Hmm…I’m going to look for them at Wal Mart next time I’m there. Thanks Tami!

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