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Scarf Sighting at IHOP

I confess I love a scarf sighting – and Amanda E brought this one to my attention. Some Dyed4you friends from OH made the trip to IHOP-KC (International House of Prayer, Kansas City).

One of the folks who went had been given an Anointed Feet scarf.  She was worshiping and dancing with it and apparently ended up in the archive video!  She shared this testimony via text:

He restored my Hallelujah. Then He asked me to give it back to Him. He broke through my pain and my hurt and called me beautiful. He called me His delight.

He beckoned me to dance and adore Him and for the first time in a long time – I went. I danced with Him and we communed. My God loves me despite me and is leading me into greater things.

If you’re interested in seeing the video (which is wonderful) of this moment – visit the Prayer Room archives and go to 8pm on Friday February 4th and just before the 13.5 minute mark you’ll see the scarf go flying 🙂

In one shot you can actually kind of see the dark edges of the Anointed Feet scarf. 🙂

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5 thoughts on “Scarf Sighting at IHOP

  1. Awesome…Love it. I tried to find it on IHOP, but I can’t find it.

  2. Just amazing… I went back to IHOP and I found it!!! Glory to GOD!!!

  3. I have Worshiped with this young lady and we have the same scarf anointed feet !! How awesome that she worshiped with her Jesus !!!

  4. I cried when she texted me and more so when I watched over the internet. She is a treasure, a mighty worshiper, and a bold proclaiming forerunner. Adonai has incredible love & plans for her 🙂

  5. Beautiful! Thanks for directing me to a great time of worship AND to watch someone Free in Christ!!!!! GLORY TO GOD!!

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