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Passion Fire Wing/Voi Combo (pair)

The Lord showed me this style in a dream, so seeing them come to fruition was beautiful for me! This is the same style as the Passion Fire streamer.

In this video you see me using the pair first as wings (and I am not as good with 2 as Amanda E, so if you want to see some beautiful movements with a pair of big wings, view this), then as a pair of voi, then as a single wing and finally a single voi.  Love these!

This set is two 5mm semicircles with wings seams added to both and a pair of voi weights.

View semicircles / sewing services / voi

15 thoughts on “Passion Fire Wing/Voi Combo (pair)

  1. Gorgeous!!! These are just beautiful. The picture of you with both wings straight up is awesome!!! All Praise and Glory to the Father. Beautiful!!! May the person that receives these be blessed.

  2. These are really, really beautiful. Really bright and vibrant. I’m excited to see the wing in person!! The receipent is going to LOVE it!

  3. Oh my GOODNESS!!!! Happy birthday from God to you!!! is it wrong to covet scarves? LOL I neeeeeeed to order a pair of thos Pasion Fire Wings. SO gorgeous… and i love that a dream inspired them. Happy Birthday, it’s been a pleasure meeting you (on email 🙂

  4. Alright, I have to know. With all of the flagging/dancing/anointing that you do in that room, do people just fall out in the Spirit when they come over???

  5. @Christie – LOL – people normally comment on the heavy SHALOM they feel in our house 🙂

  6. Those are beatiful.. so majestic!

  7. These are a “put on repeat” video! But I don’t have time to sit here all day! waaahhh! Breathtakingly beautiful and captivating!

  8. These are some of my favorites. I also like the still shot of you with both arms up. Looks like you are standing between two pillars of fire. Cool. Beautiful.

  9. I love the single wing, the circling around in front of you, over head … I have seen that motion of angelic activity around worshippers in the spirit but not in color and not for this long ~ only saying that to say that I so honor you, Meghan, for sensitivity in he spirit realm, to move as they move, to do as they do … whether your conscious mind knows it or not … your spirit man does.

    Praise the Name of the Lord!

  10. @Christie: HEAVY Shalom!! And very yummy homemade cake 🙂

  11. @Christie: totally feels like Abba Father opening His arms and embracing without any inkling that He will let go. Shalom for sure.

  12. @Amanda & @Mel – it was a BLESSING to have each of you here – Love you two!!!

  13. I keep going back to this video to watch it over and over!!! How beautiful and anointed–watching the atmosphere being stirred with more passion for our Lord!! 🙂

  14. what is that song playing during this please?

  15. Christ for the Nations’ Consuming Fire

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