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D4Y Prophetic Portrait

I confess this was TOTALLY cool for me!  Though I create personal prophetic art via both the silk and the digital artwork, I don’t often get to be on the receiving end. So the Lord TOTALLY blessed me through Alison’s prophetic portrait entitled Beauty, which was created for me 🙂

I encourage you to go read the word that goes with it (and feel free to buy a print of it as well or one of her others!).  And the video below shows a bit more of it too as well as some close ups.  Cannot begin to tell you how right on this was for me… well actually I can (and will) in a future video 😉

What is so neat is to hear how she created it because the relationship she talks about is so much how He works with me with the silks and art.

And make sure you see the counterpart to these videos, my testimony of how the Lord spoke to me through it!

Visit “Beauty” on the Freedom Colours

13 thoughts on “D4Y Prophetic Portrait

  1. What a blessing for you Meghan. Incredible.

  2. in watching the 2nd video with the closeup, i am absolutely moved to tears … WHAT a blessing… bless you both 🙂

  3. I love how your roots go down and there are many roots and I love that His banner over you is Love. Wonderful Meghan!!! I am so happy for you and for what this artwork says over you.

  4. Awesome! The painting is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Love this! Totally loved hearing Alison’s explanation.

  6. Additional interpretation to Allison’s prophetic art;
    The visionary aspect – The tree branches are symbolic for growth. When Meghan makes those silk flags, it goes (branches) out to other believers so they may worship in freedom as well.
    The aspects of colors – Pink is a strong color for Meghan. The energy of pink is the combination of passion of the red rose and the white dress for fullness. Pink combines these energies. Pink are effective in neutralizing disorder and violence, gives you calmness and peace. The blue is symbolic for the heavenly skies, the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
    ***NOTE – there are hundreds of meanings for colors and symbols – this interpretation is specific for this person ***

  7. This is fascinating. Did the explanation in the video really resound for you? Was there stuff you need to chew on, or put on the shelf for a while, or was it “right on”? It’s truly a beautiful piece, fascinating really is the best word. Thank you so much for sharing, Meghan!

  8. @Jessica – Great questions! She doesn’t know me at all and it was right on! I’m getting the painting stretched and framed now, when I get it back I’m going to do my video testimony 🙂 I’ll post that too. The Lord never ceases to amaze me, truly 🙂

  9. She doesn’t know you AT ALL??? She had no idea about your flag ministry…or even that you had any kind of ministry? Wow…talk about “right on”…this gal is for real.

  10. @Jessica – Sorry! Clarification. She found me through Dyed4you, so she knew about the silks, but there’s a bunch of other very specific things that she did not know. She is very much the real deal 🙂

  11. Hi Meghan and friends,

    I’m now selling this image as a greetings card if anyones interested, also selling larger prints too, but listed the greetings card on etsy, it looks so cute :)) here is a link:

  12. I went back and watched this again… the explanation and close-up videos are breathing life into me. i’m off work today because i was tossing my cookies at 3 am… having just come out of one of the coolest dreams i’ve ever had (in the dream, pulled some twigs and wood away from a tree root to expose a hole… when you put your head through the hole, there was a “narnian” type chamber and in one corner there was a table with boxes atop… and a couple of crowns.. TEE HEE!!!!). i knew i’d be calling off work – i just needed to rest.

    i woke up for the 3rd or 4th time around noon, coming out of THE coolest dream ever (rainbows EVERYwhere, banners of rainbows over a town i’d never seen before, and a warehouse that had reality ripped away to show a glimpse of two buildings IN heavan… a spire of white that penetrated the clouds and a pillar of fire that descended to earth HAHAHAHH!!! it was INCREDIBLE!!).

    i put on some soaking music and danced for a few minutes underneath the white wing flag you sent me, Meghan. i used it as a veil and just listened to the wind blow through the window…

    i came into the office to read some of your articles/blogs and such and watched this video again. From it, i feel like a butterfly pumping my wings into life. i’m also thinking about taking one of the rooms in which i play soaking music for days on end and turning the entire room into a Chupa.

    much love to you and alison… blessings, rest and an increase in revelation and creativity.

    through Christ, ALL things are possible… and you ladies are lending a hand into the deep things of the prophetic. i hope we can meet on this earth one day and i’ll dance and flag over the both of you. 🙂

  13. that’s cool Christie, I was at conf yesterday and waving one of my flags over Lydia a friends young daughter and she said it ‘like a rainbow!’… it was just a blue flag with pole that I had made, but the fact that she said it’s like a rainbow is quite prophetic I feel, ‘cos the rainbow is ‘the promise’ and made up of the seven colours that are symbolic of the seven spirits of God, and it is shaped in an arc and the flag when waved can be shaped in an arc, so symbolic of the arc of the covenant and the huppa, banner Glory cloud that rested over the arc…His intimacy… funny how you had a dream about rainbows and banners.. bless you

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