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Fresh Green Pasture with our Shepherd

This is the story of a woman who received a 35×84 Jehovah Rohi silk as a gift from someone at her church (see video of her worshiping with it in a corporate setting).

On March 20, 2011, I headed to church knowing I would be taking care of the little ones for the day. I ended up having only one child to watch, and she was the pastor’s granddaughter. She loves to worship too, so I took her and we went to the sanctuary to worship!

Her grandma came and took her from me saying she felt I needed to be free to worship. I quickly slipped into an attitude of worship and praise. Then Josh came up to me and wrapped my scarf Jehovah Rohi around my shoulders (it was a gift from him)! I immediately felt at peace.

Since that Sunday, I have danced with my scarf, covered others with it and prayed over them, slept with it wrapped around me, and had others use my scarf as they danced and praised our Mighty King!

Then on Sunday April 10, 2011, our worship leader led us into an intense place during worship. I was dancing and singing in the back and then felt the need to fall to my knees and cover myself with my scarf. As I covered my head and fell to the floor, I smelled something I couldn’t quite identify, but if I pulled my scarf off, the smell was gone. I covered my head and face again and the smell ,well the aroma, was back.

I’m not a farm girl, so it took me a few minutes to realize that what I was smelling was a fresh green pasture. I had been led there by Jehovah Rohi – God my Shepherd. He was there with me in the peaceful pasture I spent a while with Him before I came back to church. It was AWESOME!!

I love knowing that He cares for each of us that way! Praise God From whom all blessings flow!!!!!!!!!

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7 thoughts on “Fresh Green Pasture with our Shepherd

  1. Amen that is an awesome adventure! GOD is sooooo good like that guess thats why we call Him the Good Shepherd =)

  2. What a beautiful story. Love that He makes you to lie down in green pastures. Peace.

  3. Beautiful..Beautiful!! Love how he spokes to use and tells us to come and lay down next to him in green pastures. LOVE IT!!! I too have a wing named “Jehovah Rohi” and Papa God spoke to me so lovely while i was worshipping him. Such Peace and Joy. We Praise you O’ Lord.

    Bless you!

  4. Glad I’m not the only one that sleeps with my scarf!

  5. @Nickol – Lol not by a LONG shot! I used to think it was strange until I’d heard it soooo many times!!! Now I just have a comforter made out of the silk 😉

  6. How beautiful! And to think I limited my Lord for so long! HE truly loves to speak to us and connect with us in so many ways!

  7. God is such a personal God. He loves each one of us as if there were only one of us

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