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Kim Clement on Mantles

Some of you may remember when Kim first shared about his Dyed4you mantle in February. A couple weeks ago we mailed him a thank you along with the testimony of how the Lord had used him to bless Dyed4you.

Well, tonight on the Matrix he had Pam read our thank you letter to him and a portion of the testimony we’d shared 🙂 Additionally, he shared about mantles in general.  The audio is available below:

[wpaudio url=” Clement.mp3″ text=”Kim Clement talking about Dyed4you and sharing on mantles” dl=” Clement.mp3″]

View 14×72 Silk/Wool

14 thoughts on “Kim Clement on Mantles

  1. Meghan,
    After what has transpired to you and all of us since then, this is truly amazing. Thank you for posting this. To seal this word and what you have done for me in this season I am pledging that I will order a new scarf from you. And to let you know that everything I have said to you you have not been only words but deeds, in the testimony I have been in this season, God is breaking a high ruling power of witchcraft on the prophets.

    Thank you for your faithfulness,

  2. Whoa, Meghan, your are going to be one busy lady! I have a sense that your last quarter (which was the highest to date) will pale in comparison to the next one. How cool that your mantles will be going to Israel! I loved what Kim said about the Lord expanding the prophetic ministries to the arts. I strongly believe that, too.

    “Thank you, Father, for blessing Dyed4you. May Your favor continue and may You be highly glorified through Meghan’s faithful service to You. Anoint every silk and art piece that Meghan touches with the presence of Your Holy Spirit and the fragrance of Christ. May all who receive an item from Meghan experience Your supernatural love and peace. May they seek You with their whole hearts, drink deeply of Your living water, and share what You have done for them with others. Father, we ask this in Jesus name, Amen.”

  3. wow!! increase!! more than a double portion of increase!! Enlarge your tent Meghan, your territirory is increasing. Thank you Jesus.

  4. Wow!! What a beautiful Story, We Praise you Lord. As i was listening to Kim speak all I could do was Thank the Lord, Praise the Lord for all that he is doing. I agree with all the ladies that have commented. I pray for increase, double portion, and Lord as Meghan’s ministry increases I pray that you give her wisdom and strength to endure what is coming. In Jesus name, Amen

  5. Amen! I am smiling, filled with joy and awe of our Saviour Jesus. Wow! More, Abba, more over D4Y and every person sowing and receiving. I bless Your Name, Holy One of Israel. Yeshua~

  6. Tears just ran down my face at God’s faithfulness to you!

  7. Praise you, JESUS!!!!!!!! I am tingling all over and giggling with Joy at the greatness of OUR GOD!!!! Oh , Megahan. He is soooooooo good. I litterally keep saying ” OH , MY GOD!!!!! “”” Yes….MY GOD. Wonderful, magnificent able to do ANYTHING!!!!! I praise you, Father, I praise you, I praise you and thank you for this beautiful, precious gift that you have given to my sweet, faithful sister. Talk about prophesying to the nations, Meghan. I am so happy, excited and proud of you for your steadfastness and obedience…..even when it’s challenging. HE IS MIGHTY TO SAVE!!!!!!!! Continued, showered blessings. xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  8. Oh Meghan, just wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!! God is so faithful. How I Praise God for the mantel He has placed on you!!! Thank you for your heart and ministry…..

  9. Glory to God!!!! I praise You Lord! I thank you that an individual’s gift makes room for them!! Meghan, God has gifted you and anointed you and all of that is increasing. He is giving you a large territory so you have plenty of room to launch into new levels!

  10. Tears for me too. God is so good! WOW! Take a deep breath….ready…..set……GO!!! God’s peace be upon you beautiful Woman of God.

  11. This made me cry… I felt Holy Spirit all over it. Amazing, Amazing, Amazing. O’Lord how we love you.

  12. I follow Prophet Kim and sow into his ministry as a partner and know I have been blessed abundantly by doing so. I watched the day your testimony was read and ordered 2 scarves, 1 for me and 1 for my dear friend for her birthday. The Lord has “blessed my socks off” and continues to surprise me. Praying my husband will go to Israel and I will be able to be blessed with another one of your shawls. Love and blessings to you, dear woman!

  13. I just love the way the people of God respond to His Word & His Ways ~ each one uplifting the other and then getting a blessing from Him, our Father Who Is Love. Isn’t it something that in a time when other businesses are failing that God’s anointed are increasing! What a great testimony.

    So happy for you, Meghan. May your tribe increase.

  14. Hello, Im watchn Kim’s Israel Show & it reminded me abt the “Mantle order”. God BLESSED ME this Month so I could get the Mantle HALLELUJAH & My Sons BDAY Present ~ It’s been a challenging YR BUT NO MORE N THE NAME OF JESUS HALLELUJAH NO MORE!!!!! God Bless you & THE MINISTRY ~ PROPHET KIM has taught me so much OVER THE LAST 7 YRS & CONTINUES TOO ~ GLORY TO GOD!!!

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