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Silk Reminder

Silk reminders tied to a purse are actually a common occurrence 🙂  Love this story Tami shares about the one the Lord just gave her:

To start off, Our God is so Amazing.

I ordered a 11×11 to tie on my purse (by the way, It looks beautiful). I just love the one that was created just for me.

  • Turquoise representing warfare
  • Mahogany representing warriors heart ~ praise in the mouth and sword in the hand
  • Pea green representing encouragement
  • Teal representing reward

The word was exactly what I needed to hear and HE knew this. This Battle is not mine, It is HIS. I know that he hears every prayer that comes from my mouth. Thank you Jesus. The verse was amazing and from one of my favorite books “Psalm 149:3-7” I do Praise the Lord and I always will. I will not stop.

As I was sitting here reading my Dyed4you letter, I kept hearing “I will not be shaken” over and over again. I will not let circumstances move me, I will not be discouraged or afraid. These things have all been trying to attack me, but it will happen!!

Thank you Meghan for all that you do and being a vessel for Christ. Love you!!

View 11×11

8 thoughts on “Silk Reminder

  1. I think dyed 4 you scarves tied to purses are going to hit the fashion world for Jesus really soon!!!!! Yay! This is where I like to keep mine. It’s with me all the time. Love this, Tami. Sounds like the Lord is doing some amazing things in your life! Hallelujah ! He makes our feet like hind’s feet…….. Going to the higher

  2. I too have a scarf tied to my purse :). I love how it opens up conversations to talk about Jesus and Dyed4You as well as be a personal reminder of the Lord’s promises to me! Thank you for sharing Tami!

  3. Shall we all send pics of our scarves and purses? lol I have my Time to Arise tied on to mine. I did take it off 2 days ago contemplating if I should continue to do so as I was worried about it needing a bath. I don’t want to lose the shimmer!

    Fantastic word Tami! Thanks for sharing as I think we all need this reminder from time to time.

  4. Ok, so I am one of the few who haven’t thought about tying a scarf to my purse. What a great idea! I want to be in on this Kingdom fashion trend! 🙂
    Suppose I better get a smaller scarf soon!

    I get so encouraged not only by how God speaks and works through Meghan, but also all wonderful people I get to “meet” here on the blog and on facebook! Y’all ROCK!!! You are such amazing daughters of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

  5. I too will have to purchase a smaller one. 😀 Great story and great word. Needed that reminder today.

  6. Cool Message! I like the idea of a silk on my purse!!!

  7. My daughter got my scarf for me for my birthday. The “Provided For” scarf was immediately tied to my purse so it was always with me to remind me that my Father is and has always been my provider. I think it is an excellent conversation starter and a good way to get the word about Dyed4You out.

  8. Kiara, I agree with you, new kingdom fashion for Jesus!!! I love that idea!!!!

    Julie, I too had a different scarft on my purse for sometime, but I was worried about it getting very dirty because it was a 6×24 and hung done much more. I ♥ the 11×11!!

    Christina, I too am so blessed by all the people I have gotten to know through Dyed4you and facebook. So many amazing people.

    I forgot to tell everyone the name of my scarf, it is “Relentless in Battle”. It is sure nice to know that this Battle is not mine and that it is “The Lords”. I can give everything over to Him and he will handle it for me. I cry out to him and he hears every pray. O’ how I ♥ him so.

    I ♥ to come back and read all the comments. There is always a word that I need to hear and it lifts me up and gives me incouragement.

    God bless all you Ladies!

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