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Dyed4you Rhapsody

This was a fun surprise Brenda R – a Dyed4you customer – shared with me and said I could share with you.  Brenda wrote a bit of a story using the names of the scarves on the examples and popular style pages!  I hope you enjoy 🙂

The Breath of God; the Ruach HaKodesh was blowing over the Daughter of the King drawing her to Him even as she was unaware of the Love Song of the Gelah Raz, or of her need to be Redeemed. Day by day He Beckoned until her Heart of Flesh heard The Joyous Call and her Tender Heart was Made New. And now she was Whole In Him; Sealed and Indwelt by Power. This Altogether Lovely Child of God learned to walk in the Ancient Paths. Beautiful Humility graced her Alabaster face as she went forth In Step with Jehovah Rohi. She delighted in His Tender Touch as He bestowed upon her Abundant Life and Abundant Peace. And in the Garden Enclosed; a Secret Place of Abiding Worship, this Beloved Child in Celebration of His Goodness was Bursting Forth with Joy of Unrestrained Praise as a Proclaimer of the Flawless One of heaven. Now Zealous for God and with Focused Perseverance, she set out with Commanding Authority for the Taking of Nations, Declaring the Word of the Lord. As an Emissary of Light, she shared with Bold Passion to those made In His Image how they could, by the Precious Blood of the Lamb, be Ransomed and Receive salvation and Restoration through the New Covenant. With each encounter and with every step of her Anointed Feet, she prayed for His Kingdom Come and for the Coming Promises of God to be made manifest in the lives of Living Stones that are In His Hands.

But her Joyous Heart could not Thrive without Intimate Devotion to the Joyous One! Trained Hands to do the work of the Lord did not replace the need of Dwelling in His Beauty. This Friend of God now felt the need to hide in the Cleft of the Rock. Once she had felt the Favor of the King, but she had stopped being Hungry for the Heavenly Pleasures of Deep Worship. This Warrior Princess who had run on Blind Faith had to Wait Upon the Lord.

The Fiercely Jealous Lover had waited for her to Be Still and Know that as His Beloved He had Carried her. She needed to again hear that she was the Lord’s, the One in Whom the Lord Delights, the Chosen of the Lord. And so as Deep Calls Unto Deep the Lord wooed her weary heart back to Him, she was Accepted in the Beloved. He told her to “Cast Your Cares on Me for in Me you will find Comfort and Joyful Blessing. All those Abiding In The Vine Stand Firm in the Prophetic Flow.”

The Cherished Bride was now lovingly but firmly Hedged In. She realized she had been so busy doing that she had stopped Living In Love with the One to Whom Honor is Due. So falling to her knees she cried out, I Thirst! And I Surrender All were the words that came Bursting Forth from the depths of her soul and spirit. Then waiting in the silence she felt the Blessing of being Under His Wing and Covered by His Feathers. And she knew she was still His Delight and Chosen; not based on anything other than His Mercy & Grace. She could feel the Healing Rain falling all around her washing away her cares as she was buoyed up in the River of Promise. And now with her Heart After Him in the way it had been at the start, she prayed for Fire from the Altar of Heaven to fall and purify her and Fresh Oil to be poured over her for consecration as she was Preparing for the Bridegroom.

And then under an Open Heaven, Holy Fire enveloped her and set her Ablaze With Glory. Now Birthed Through Fire, she went forth as a Conquering Warrior for the glory of the King with the message Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

15 thoughts on “Dyed4you Rhapsody

  1. Oh Brenda! You are so clever! This was fun to read!

  2. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! that is so TOTALLY awesome! GREAT concious stream writing – love it love it LOVE IT!!!! that is a fun gift, right there, brenda!!!

  3. That was really fun to read and reminded me slightly of Hinds Feet on High Places…

  4. Excellent! Beautiful silks woven together with lovely words. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Awesome!!! Love the message!!!!!!

  6. What I love so much about this is that all of these scarves and names have been messages for others. And now you, Brenda, have woven them together and God has used them to be a message for Meghan. The word that goes out does not return void. It has returned with a message just as vital and powerful as when it left your hand the first time Meghan. Just as these scarf names have been joined together to create a beautiful narrative, your scarves join together a whole community of believers into one beautiful story. One that connects us to each other and to God. Beautiful! Absolutely Beautiful!

  7. I agree with Donelda, what a beautiful blessing!!! Thank you for sharing this Brenda 🙂

  8. How did you come up with all those names? I didn’t know there were so many! Awesome!

  9. @Donna – There are literally hundreds and more getting birthed everyday 🙂 It’s all God!

  10. Wonderful, how a story can be birthed from those scarves.

  11. EXACTLY! Donelda–I confirm what you spoke to Meghan.. It was exactly what I heard as I read and enjoyed what Brenda wrote.

    It touched me too personally, Brenda. Thanks for letting the Lord use you to bless others!

  12. I just wanted to say thank you to all the encouraging comments about the scarf story. I wrote it for Meghan as a thank you for the silk she was making for me and I am glad that it has blessed others as well. My silk came today and it was so beautiful. It was named Divine Rhapsody! I believe God led me to this site because I have recieved so much more than I ever expected. He knew what I needed and used Meghan and Dyed4You to deliver it. God is so good!

  13. Wow! That was definitely Spirit led for sure! Simply a beautiful compilation and representation of the Bride’s walk with Christ.

  14. A blessing

  15. Wow. This touched my heart greatly. It’s speaks to me as a worshipper. I know that what He has but into my bones is solely to Honor is Glorious Majesty.

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