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Next Giveaway Silk

This flag is the next giveaway silk (find out more about our giveaways). It’s a custom sized flag that can be used on a crappie pole or on a 4′ wooden dowel like you see here (although I confess the elastic was a little tough to get on the dowel, but it does fit and trust me, this flag will NOT be flying off – LOL!).

This was a piece I made several years ago and set aside.  Just recently when I took it before the Lord I sensed Him telling me it was to be the next giveaway silk. Soooo it will be 🙂

It’s 45″ wide by about 7.5′ long – this would be a special order item.

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37 thoughts on “Next Giveaway Silk

  1. Beautiful!!! The sound of it whistling through the air gave me goosebumps! 🙂

  2. I love this flag. Immediately what comes to mind is Isaiah 43: 18-20
    “ Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness
    And rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honor Me, The jackals and the ostriches, Because I give waters in the wilderness And rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen.

    The sound the flag makes reminds me of the sounds rivers make when rushing and pounding over large boulders in the water. The size of the flag is huge, which reminds me of how big God’s love and hope towards me. He sees everything bigger and better than I can see things. He makes me able to look beyond the circumstance and towards the victories ahead.

    Its peaceful in color and powerful in beauty and strength. I just love it.

  3. Flutter of angel wings! Love it!

  4. The first thing that came to my mind when I heard the sound of the flag swishing through the air was.. “I AM coming like a mighty rushing wind! all heaven and earth will declare the glory of the risen Lord. There will be a revealing of my majesty and glory and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Gives me goosebumps as well!

  5. I used to twirl flags in high school and in drum corps. I’ve never had a worship flag, but I’d love to have one prophetically dyed for me. That would be amazing! I enjoy your videos. I love how your dog just lies there so peacefully, so sweet 🙂

  6. Wow, I love the way it flows!!!

  7. i am really transfixed on this color combination of late. i’ll watch it again when i have more time. beautiful job, Meghan and THANKS Lord, for giving an unction to give it away 🙂

  8. This makes me want to cry:) I love it sis

  9. Beautiful!!!

  10. Its beautiful! I think you should check if you have a matching one and add that to the give away too! lololol (wink, wink) Just teasing it is gorgeous!

  11. @Carlene – LOL yes, Sketch (my dog) eyeballed me a couple of times when I got close, but he loves being in the middle of it 🙂 And as far as a flag – I trust the Lord will lead you to get one in His perfect timing 🙂 Bless you!

    @Shannon – LOL – only as YHVH leads 😉

  12. *squints* your dog LOL…. does your dog ever get slain in the spirit?

  13. I really love that swooshing and crackling sound, like wind and fire, coming from blue water. Again, another beautiful video. It is great that you demonstrate for us Meghan. 🙂

  14. i have just discovered that if you look at the batch of “give away” posts, scrolling past them, each color of each scarf and flag brings a rapid fire onslaught of thoughts and emotions as they pass by… tee hee… *does it again* it’s like a ride, try it!

  15. How beautiful! My favorite part is the sound it makes! I used to have a flag that made that sound, and I gave it away. I always said that it roared like the Lion of Judah. Your flag roars too! 🙂

  16. Its beautiful, I have never used a flag before .. that would be fun..

  17. love watching you & your sweetie do the flags. Gives me inspiration for when I do them at church. It is my favorite form of worship. I also play the tamborine (not sure that’s spelled right).

  18. Meghan, it’s lovely! It’s like an deep ocean that washes over and cleanses us, removing our sin as far as the east is from the west; bringing the refreshing and helping us to keep our balance. Flags bring such a powerful anointing!

  19. what is a crapple pole, when I click on it I don’t get anything?

  20. GOD is Moving!!!! How AWESOME is the PRESENCE of HIS JOY and HEALING!!! I have to agree with the posting by April Steffen. When I first saw the flag move, I heard healing rivers in the dessert…Isaiah 43: 18-20 “ Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honor Me, The jackals and the ostriches, Because I give waters in the wilderness And rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen.”

    Thank you for sharing!

  21. Awesome…amazing that a piece of fabric, so delicate, but yet so powerful…ushering in Yah’s presence…ALL we need is there…ALL He desires is for us to be there with Him. Watching & hearing this blue flag brings me great peace right now! Thanks! I feel loved!

  22. ok so here I go with my comment, the fluttering is definately awesome, like was mentioned above like Wings of the Angels. But the curtains you have in the background, the colors are magnificent, so creative I’ll say it again what a gift

  23. May I ask what a crappie pole is? Does the flag behave differently if you use a crappie pole instead of a wooden dowel?

  24. What a nice flag. I am sure EHYEH will lead you on who to give it to.

  25. Seriously? You are giving away a flag? Your generosity astounds me woman! God is so blessed to have you in His family blessing all His children. Does this flag have a name? It is beautiful!

  26. @Donelda – Honestly the only reason I hadn’t done a flag before was because not every Dyed4you customer does flags, but almost everyone would enjoy a scarf 😉

    And no, no name yet. He’s downloading the word still… we shall see!

  27. I love the sound it makes! It looks and sounds like healing waters!

  28. Wow that’s beautiful! I haven’t used flags in a looooonnnnnggggg time! 🙂

  29. WOW!!! When I heard the whooshing sound I knew that God is moving on behalf of His people. About 3 different soaking songs by Grace Williams popped into my head – oh, my!! AWESOME!!

  30. Your posts always inspire me I can definately feel the anointing while watching the videos of each flag demo. Thank you for sharing.

  31. I was also wondering about the name…I figured you’d keep it a secret until you gave it away! This one is so unique because it looks so light & airy, you can actually see right through it, but the sound is so big, as if it were heavy, which it obviously isn’t. Very interesting flag…kind of has its own personality or something! Many blessings to you for giving it away, I’m sure the recipient will be blessed…ESPECIALLY if they’ve never been a flagger before 😉

  32. Another amazing creation! I love the sound it makes but the way it flows is so beautiful! God has blessed you with so many talents! I love to read all the testimonies of how the scarves have touched peoples lives. I don’t always get to comment because my phone has a mind of its own! (crazy phone) 🙂 I pray God pours double blessings out on you for the way you humbly seek him and follow his directions in these beautiful creations! Both of my scarves were exactly what I needed at different times in my life! GBU

  33. the sound is like many running waters, like His Voice, speaking in every language, so that everyone can hear Him if they will only listen. And then there is the color, refreshing water, cleansing water, washing every hindering thing away, and the sky. Freedom, peace, drifitng on a summer sky after a cleansing rain shower. Just beautiful Meghan. Someone is gonna be really blessed!!

  34. Some days I click on this website just so I can watch some of the demos. Sometimes with the music, sometimes mute. I just love the presence of God that comes through the waving of the flags. The last few Sundays my husband and I have been led to the loft section (we fellowship in a high school cafeteria) and we’ve been able to worship so freely up there. Last Sunday I just felt led to take my blue wrap and start waving it around and dancing with it. Two guys from our worship team came up to me after service and they said they really liked having us up there and watching us worship so freely (we visit other churches that have this freedom in worship but it is not something common to our congregation, but God is moving.) Just yesterday we went to listen to speakers and 3 different people came up to me and said that they loved when I danced with flags – one of the ladies actually handed me a flag so I’d have one to wave – fun! They sensed the shift in atmosphere or they knew it was warfare – something I’ve sensed for a while. I’m thinking of making some of my own and extras in case some others get moved by the spirit to join in the fun of worship. Thank you for posting instructions and such. Your prices are prohibitive for me at this time, but I’m praying someday soon that will change. Meanwhile, keep posting, it is such a blessing!

  35. I like it, I like it a lot ! Love reading all the comments and opinons of what they hear and see. Your work is amazing…just like Dad

  36. So pretty!

  37. got the flag today. It’s called Magesty of Heaven, it is absolutely beautiful. I’ll be using it at church tomorrow. Thank you so much Meghan.

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