Another wonderful testimony from a woman who ordered a 5mm semicircle with Hebrew for herself (in the picture) and another silk for her son.
Well Meghan, there are not words. I received my scarf and the scarf for Boston. Sooo special, thank you. Everything you wrote was right on my heart. And if you knew my son you would know he is a mouthpiece, a proclaimer! Wow!
And a friend had just given me the word flourish!! But you expounded on it and I am covered in it : ) It ministered to my little girl heart more than words. Knowing that I am His daughter, and walking in it, like you said – nothing broken, nothing missing, we flourish. I SHALL THRIVE IN HIS LOVE!
Oh, also, there is a part on the scarf that looks like a butterfly, it is olive. Did you notice that? SO cool!
Thank you. You are a blessing. I pray the Lord richly reward you. Hug to you!
View Semicircle / Hebrew Lettering / 6×24
I love that statement I shall thrive in His Love, how true is that?
Awesome! May the words and the scarves continue to bless each of them!
Beautiful testimony!!! I just love how Holy Spirit works through you!!! Just love it!!!!
It just amazes me how the Holy Spirit shows you what to do with each scarf that is ordered. You are always right on in your design and it’s meaning. God is revealing some awesome things about the scarf I just received from you this week.
I love that it spoke to her “little girl heart!” How loving of a Father, to remind us that He is the Daddy and we are His sweethearts….and the butterfly to me….the wonder and joy of discovering how much He delights in us! Many blessings and may you continue to enjoy thriving in His love as He makes it even more real and vibrant to you!!!
“Knowing that I am His daughter, and walking in it, like you said – nothing broken, nothing missing, we flourish.”
Oh yes you are His daughter, a precious gem! He is also showing you that He is faithful and keeping His promise to you to put His words in your son’s mouth in Isaiah 59:21!
Isaiah 59:21 “As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the LORD. “My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever,” says the LORD.”
He’s premeditated everything good for your life a plan to prosper you not to harm you, your very hope and future! And just think all from the heart of a Heavenly Daddy whose heart is for you!
Bless you Angela! I look forward to seeing how His words unfold in your lives.
between the flag and the testimony, i am really really blessed… ila, you nailed it & christine.. absolutely!
May EHYEH bless you and keep you
May EHYEH make His face shine upon you
May EHYEH lift up His contenance on you and give you Shalom in Mashiach Yeshua (Jesus Christ)
Sometimes words are not enough
Thank you for sharing this… during this time of my life it helps to hear what my heart knows to be the truth, but circumstances attempts to cloud out… Meghan the scarf is beautiful beyond words and the testimony… WOW! I so needed the reminder that I as His daughter will always thrive in His love no matter my circumstance!