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Calling to Him… and He answers :)

A customer had ordered a pair of pillowcases, and without my remembering what the one she ordered a while back looked like, I managed to create a pair that are a great match with it. How fun is God?!

Here’s the rest of her story:

Our new pillow cases are LOVELY, I cannot wait to lay down this evening and just rest, speaking to God and wait for Him to speak back. I love being surrounded by His Love!!

“Call to Me” is the name of our new pillowcases and it could not be more fitting of where I am in my walk with Jesus right now. I have stepped away from certain things right now, I needed rest for healing in many area’s. So I have been Calling to Him and Meghan didn’t even know. God is so good!!!!

As I read my Bible, He has really been speaking to me and showing me new things. It is so amazing how you can read a verse one day and then go back to it later and you learn something new. How cool is that? Lol !!! He is always teaching me something. As I am spending time with Him, He has been showing me things “things He wants me to do” and I am like “really?”…lol! This is stepping out in Faith, not fearing man, but fearing the Lord! I thank HIM for all that He is doing in my life.

I thank you Meghan for these Beautiful pillowcases!!! The one in the middle is “Heavens download” sleep with it every night!!!!

View pillowcases

10 thoughts on “Calling to Him… and He answers :)

  1. That is SO cool! I love how God orchestrates things! I’m curious what the name of the semi-circle on the wall is. Blessings!

  2. Helen,

    The name of the semi-cirlce is Steadfast Faith.

  3. Beautiful pillowcases! I spy a D4Y Art print on the nightstand too!

  4. I love this testimony, Tami! I’ve been thinking a lot of really’s myself. A few very unexpected things have been happening to make them easier. I just love how the wing is displayed! I am imagining how peaceful your whole house is with the ways you’ve displayed your silks. Thanks for sharing.

  5. the match is so fun! YAY God!

  6. Sweet! His timing and plans are awesome!!!!!

  7. beautiful testimony.

  8. Awesome testimony! I love how Papa God works!

    The family put in their Christmas wishes after seeing this testimony. Haha soon!

  9. I love it. So nice how G-d speaks to you.

  10. Lovely testimony and picture. 🙂 Yay God and Meghan.

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