You may have already seen a little of these flags in action, but much like the series of videos Allissa created after receiving her Mighty in Battle swing flags, this is a series of videos too… so beautiful!
It was fun because the Father unfolded things so beautifully with this pair too – He confirmed the colors to her and the style was even one she’d seen in a previous post and been drawn to.
If you only want to view one video, watch the one below (where she’s holding the swing flags on the short end); the one below that is a 5 video playlist. Either way – I think you’ll be blessed! Enjoy 🙂
View swing flags
Awesome and beautiful!
Impression from the top one, shortly into the video I felt angelic presence show up, as though they had been released and/or summoned through your obedience. Also that a releasing was occurring, like the butterfly coming out of the cocoon into freedom, flying and whole new view, a paradigm shift. And an acceleration into destiny and future, His Kingdom come, His will be done.
Father bless Allissa for sharing her gift with us and bless her to express You in new and creative ways. Lord may she always display Your loveliness and beauty. Thank you Lord for bringing everything in Allissa into Your prefect alignment and Your perfect timing.
Thank you Allissa for sharing the Father’s love with us.
@Tonia – Amen! Totally bear witness with this. It captures some of what I sensed and hadn’t yet been able to put into words 🙂
Allissa, also meant to post that the first thing I heard as I started to watch was “Harvest!” A calling to the harvesters to harvest.
Wow Allissa this rocks!
I can relate to Tonia and Meghan the first one there was a manifestation of Papa’s peace and joy as well as a lifting up and honoring. It was as though an angel poured a vial over you and Holy Spirit was more than happy to participate for sure! It was like an invitation you were dancing out. I kept hearing Isaiah 62:3 and Phil 2:15 “….in which you shine like stars…”
The second one felt like the welcoming committee and in joy Papa God daring you to dare Him. Eph 3:20 came to mind.
Allissa keep dancing it’s absolutely beautiful and it shows who your teacher is!
Wow! Really?!
I am so blessed that I have people more in tune to what is going on than I am. I do not usually know what is being released when I flag/worship. This is so amazing for me to hear – in fact so much so I can not really put it into words that capture what I feel right now.
Tonia – thank you for your prayers! Right now I am believing God for aligning me in something specific and that it will be done in His timing according to His will. It is hard for me to wait but I wait in expectation and hope that the things that I desire are the things that He desires for me.
Yes, I will keep dancing (and sharing).
Just breathe taking. I just love to watch you worship, I begin to have a burning to go and get my to worship 🙂 I need to wait for nicer weather.
When I use my wings at HPC, many people would tell me things about while I was worshipping, so I know what you mean about not always knowing what it being released. My friend Ang was just talking to me about it yesterday and she want me to come to her church and just worship with my wing 🙂
Beautiful worship Allison, Papa loves you and loves to watch you!!!
I hadn’t watched the first clip yet, I watched all the other ones on the second clip. All I can say is your worship is so beautiful and anointed. it brought tears to my eyes. Bless you Allison
so very beautiful. what a way to start the morning.
@ Karen, I totally AGREE!!!!
@ Allissa I am sorry I called you “Allison” I was thining Allissa, I just think 4:30am was a little early to be typing, lol
Have a Blessed day 🙂
Allissa I looked up your name in a book I have. Your name means Noble and listed for spiritual connotation is BOLD. The scripture listed is Heb 13:6
So we can say with confidence, “The LORD is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” (NLT)
Mighty in Battle are very appropriate flags for you! Thank you again for blessing us.
ok, I am officially ruined. I love watching the vids you post. So, I went to a Casting Crowns concert on Sunday nite and what did I see? In my mind, everywhere there was space, I saw dancers with flags. Heaven is gonna look like that. All of us worshiping without restraint, in a natural and beautiful flow.
I so enjoy watching Allissa with her swing flags. I can’t wait for her how to video. She is truly gifted.
@Jeanne – We decided we’re going to shoot her how-to video in January when she comes to visit me 🙂
I watched these before on my phone but hadn’t been able to get where I could watch them on a computer and really see them!
I love watching you worship.
May Abba grant you every desire of your heart!
Aww….love this…it’s so beautiful in it’s simplicity :)…just a gal and her flags, worshipping…