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Breaking the Barrier Swing Flags

Some pretty new swing flags! Though I won’t count hitting myself gently with a swing flags a blooper (or getting it twisted), you can definitely tell I am tired in this – hope you’ll forgive me ๐Ÿ˜‰

Music is Rick Pino’s Your Love is Like (and no I didn’t realize how much it would pick up my singing – LOL!)

View swing flags

7 thoughts on “Breaking the Barrier Swing Flags

  1. I love these flags! Gorgeous, and I love that you are singing as you worship!!!!

    Blessings – now go get some rest!!!!!


  2. Beautiful Swing flags.. Love your smile too!!!

  3. Ok, so I am crying again! Glory! These flags are going to someone who is going to break loose strongholds!!!

  4. we were so dancing to the same music last nite., I was dancing a bit earlier than you tho. lol

  5. I love it!!
    They are so vibrant! The colors just burst out -or maybe that should be BREAK out!

    Thank you for sharing. I always, always, always love seeing new swing flags!
    (they make my heart happy).

  6. Psalm 139 Message Bible
    If I flew on morning’s wings
    to the far western horizon,
    You’d find me in a minuteโ€”
    you’re already there waiting!

    This set of wings reminds of going to France in 2006 for our honeymoon. I was praying over our trip and the Lord gave me the above scriptures and I was at peace about the trip. The specific thing I see when I look at the wings is Monet’s art; we visited his garden and home while in France.

    The name you have given these is perfect and I so love Rick Pino’s music. Great video Meghan. Thank you for making the videos for us, truly a work of art.

  7. I love when you smile in your worship…it makes me smile too! And I didn’t notice you hitting yourself, btw, and I was watching closely ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank you for sharing, they’re beautiful!

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