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Word on Receiving

This is a video clip from the live streaming at my church, Passion for Truth. You’ll see a number of D4Y silks in this, most notably on Cheryl (my pastor’s wife) one of our worship leaders. In this clip (about 2:22 in), she shares a good word on receiving – I thought you’d be blessed by – I know I was!

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5 thoughts on “Word on Receiving

  1. Such a good and true word. It is so easy to get caught up in the giving, that I forget to stop and receive. But thank God for His mercy and I am learning!

    Thank you for sharing this with us Meghan. Blessings to you and may you RECEIVE all that the Father has planned and destined for you.

  2. what a sparkling, prescious Word. Thank you for sharing Meghan. I am a giver also, I love to give. When He gives to me it totaly blows me away and yet I know, He has so very much more to give us if we would only let Him.

  3. Thank you so much Meghan,

    What a beautiful word for us all to hear. I am a giver, I love to give, love to bless people. This really did touch me deeply.

    Thank Papa for loving us, thank you for all that you give us. We love you Lord and give you all the Praise and Glory…. Thank you, Thank you. I love you so much!!

  4. What a timely message. Thanks for sharing.

  5. What a beautiful word! I was crying! Favorite quote, “Do the best with what you have to glorify me and me only. Don’t worry about the world and what they say about you. Pour out yourself to me.” Papa, thank you for Your words spoken through my sister that I haven’t even met yet!!!

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