We’ve been blessed enough to get to peek into Joshua’s private worship time before, but it’s always a blessing to get to engage with worship 🙂
This is a swing flag called These 3 Remain and one that is homemade.
Music in this is from Bethel called Come to Me (you may have seen Amanda E dance to this both with a pair of quill flags and a pair of wings)
This song is Sweetest Name by Will Reagen
View swing flags
It is really a delight to watch Josh worship. His passion is contagious! He definitely stirs my spirit up. Thanks for posting!
Absolutely beautiful, anointed, powerful worship. Great choice in songs.
These videos completely blessed me!
Thank you for sharing!
goosebumps everywhere!!
Love them!!
I love being part of His team at church – “Hallal Warriors” and it is just so exciting and fulfilling to watch him in full worship and intercession!
i have to say that i love to watch worship with the flags as much i love to worship with the flags myself. i don’t move as beautifully as Josh or others, but God still likes it a whole whole lot. it makes lil ole me happy and smile thru tears. i cannot imagine how He responds. i do know that He sends angels to participate in the refreshing during worship with flags. don’tcha just love it?
I see Joshua in the throne room of grace worshing and givng honor to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. A man who will stand up and worship God unashamed. This is so beautiful and brings peace to my heart and soul. thank you for sharing .
Joshua you are so fluid in your praise to the Lord and it is just beautiful to watch and worship with you. Also watching generates conflicting emotions in me. It is if I am watching something, so intimate, special and personal …that moment with you and the Lord, that I should not be watching it. I think it is the “watching” factor that bothers me and that I should be worshiping and adoring and participating. It is a moment of HIS presences that is precious and sacred and must be entered in to, instead of passively watching it go by. (don’t know if this makes sense, but just trying to express it)
Beautifully put Tonia! Yes, I agree. So passionate and intimate I am not sure if I should be watching. Keep it up warrior!
Right on brother! So good to see other men moving in worship dance. Love your style. The surrender is almost tangible watching you and you open up the way for others to surrender. Keep putting movement to your love and calling heaven to earth!