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Preparing the Bridegroom 35″ Quills

This is a pair of 35″ quill flags called Preparing the Bridegroom with Beloved written on them in Hebrew (in gold shimmer).

The music is a live recording from Destiny Church’s Prayer Room.

View quill flags / Hebrew lettering

10 thoughts on “Preparing the Bridegroom 35″ Quills

  1. Beautiful! The flags are gorgeous!

  2. There is something so sweet about those flags, soft, subtle, and yet a regal joyous intimacy about them. Love it!

  3. It’s weird after watching the video of them in action I am reminded of champagne/wine and the reciprocal drinking of one another, Papa of our praise and us of His presence. <3

  4. Delicate.

  5. a love story for sure… full of beauty and grace, joy upspeakable and there is a delicacy also. awesome

  6. I agree with Elaine. Loving those quill flags more and more.

  7. I love this size. Got my fingers crossed for a spring purchase!

  8. When Allen turns his back to the camera, the flags start to look like wings to me…like angel wings…and I’m reminded that angel wings aren’t the cute little fuzzy things we attach to little girl’s backs when they wear a white dress and a halo, but they are big, powerful, fearsome things! We forget that, and for some reason, this reminded me. Thanks 🙂

  9. Those are AMAZING as quills!!! They are so precious and delicate yet bold and strong. Are these Allens!? Because they should be! 🙂 He’s a priest and a voice of preparation to the people.

  10. They are so beautiful to watch…can’t wait to get my very own quills!!! :o)

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