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Whole Swing Flag Pair

This pair of swing flags is called Whole. They move my heart and spirit in a way that I don’t think I can begin to express! They are going to someone who is interceding for something on the Father’s heart… can we agree with their prayers in the spirit?

The music is Kari Jobe’s You are for Me.

View swing flags

6 thoughts on “Whole Swing Flag Pair

  1. Holy Father, I agree for wholeness for person on Your heart that is being lifted up by the recipient of these flags. May your mercy, grace and love be extended to the prayer target and the person praying. I plead for amnesty against all judgement. I plead for wholeness, life and life more abundantly. May your Shalom, Your wholeness and peace, flood these folks and in Your light, may they see light, may they recognize You. May the blood of Jesus surround encompass them. Thank you Lord for making them whole, spirit, soul, mind and body. I praise you Lord in advance for Your marvelous works, Your kindness, goodness and love toward us.

  2. Amen Tonia!

    I will add that I pray that these flags bring a wholeness to people. That broken pieces be put back together and healing and restoration happen.

    I feel like there are people who have a chunk of something missing out of their lives. As if the enemy has stolen something from them and so now they are lacking. It is like if someone took a chunk out of a basketball. The basketball would not inflate and it would not be able to be used fully for the purpose it was intended. So I pray that where missing pieces are they would be found and brought back to the individual(s). I also pray that those pieces that are no longer going to fit in the old space would be replaced by pieces from the throne, from the Father himself, fitting perfectly.

    Meghan – LOVE where one goes over your head and the other does not. You look very coordinated 🙂

  3. I stand in Agreement with both of these ladies. Amen

    @Amanda, Your pray really touched my heart. Complete healing, Wholeness. Papa can do all this for us. He is the answer, He is our healer, our comforter, Our provider. I am really feeling is Love right now. Ipray that He touches the person that the are going to.

  4. I agree with all that has already been said!

    When Josh showed me this video last night, I just melted. I could instantly feel the anointing and Yah’s Shalom exuding from the flags.

    May they bless the recipient and those the recipient is warring and interceding for!


  5. Abba, wonderfull, beautiful, glorious Father, only You are the God of complete restoration. Only You can take all of the damaged broken things in our lifes and make us not only whole Lord, but beautiful, a fit vessel for Your work. Thank You Abba for all that You have done and all that You will do. I stand in agreement with the other prayers for wholeness on this page. Abba, wholeness is the meaning of the word holy. Abba, You say we can be holy because You are holy. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. there are not enough thank yous to ever express the depth of gratitude……………

  6. I could feel the annointing as I prayed for the will of The Father’s heart to be done while you ministered with these flags. The dark part, in the bottom center, feels like the “grounded” section–like the earth realm–and the red above is the Father’s heart. May they be united, made “Whole,” so that his will would be done on earth.

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